I. Introduction II. Thesis III. Methods IV. Results and discussion V. Conclusion VI. References.

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2 I. Introduction II. Thesis III. Methods IV. Results and discussion V. Conclusion VI. References

3 I. Motivation II. Background III. Purpose IV. Research Questions

4 I.Motivation Time is not enough to most of the students.

5 II. Background A. Does everyone has only twenty-four hours each day? B. Principles : √ The time quadrant methods √ The 80/20 principles

6 III. Purpose 1. How do students use their time after school and class ? 2. Whether do students who are capable of managing time can achieve better academic performance?

7 IV. Research Questions RQ1. How do students with better academic performance manage their time to study after school and class ? RQ2. Is time management relative to academic performance?

8 I. Definition of time management : √ How you organize your time II. The principles of time management √ 80/20 rules √ Quadrant rules

9 20% 80% 20% Time Result


11 √ Participants √ Instruments

12 Comprehensive Vocational

13 √ Website & Books √ Questionnaire

14 A. Results of Data Analysis B. Discussion of the Research Questions


16 AlwaysAlways Never

17 AlwaysAlways Never

18 AlwaysAlways Never

19 AlwaysAlways Never

20 RQ1. How do students with better academic performance manage their time to study after school and class ? √ Arranging the study schedule √ Carrying out the schedule exactly √ Organizing the time after school √ Distinguishing important things from unimportant ones B. Discussion of the Research Questions

21 RQ2. Is time management relative to academic performance? √ Time management and Academic performance relevant

22 Literature Review √ 80/20 Rules √ Quadrant Rules

23 Good grades Plan Execute Manage Distinguish Methods :

24 Finding : Reach better achievement at schoolwork with proper time management.

25 1. 呂宗昕( 2005 年 12 月 30 日)。時間管理高手。商周出版社。 2. 羅伯‧帕格利瑞尼( 2011 年 3 月 4 日)。下班後的黃金八小時。三采 出版社。 3. 呂宗昕( 2008 年 11 月 4 日)。時間管理黃金法則。周商出版社。 4. 80/20 法則。 2012 年 10 月 26 日,取自: (a).http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=001001 2083 (b).http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B8%95%E9%9B%B7%E6%89 %98%E6% B3%95%E5%88%99 (c). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNLR45UWJ4U 5. 有效的管理者書摘。 2012 年 10 月 26 日,取自: http://www.slideshare.net/jengsingcheng/ss-14521567 6. Hornby, A., & Wehmeier, S. (Eds.). (2008). Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary. NewYork: Oxford. 7. 時間管理四象限圖片。 2012 年 10 月 26 日,取自: http://tw.image.search.yahoo.com/search/images


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