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If you can read this, you have a strong mind: 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17.

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Presentation on theme: "If you can read this, you have a strong mind: 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you can read this, you have a strong mind: 7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. B3 PROUD! 0NLY C34R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15.

2 Math 7 & 8 With Mr. Lunt …and Mrs. Liebler (1 st block) …and Mr. Barlock (3 rd, 7 th, & 8 th blocks) Robert.Lunt (Though, I really go by “Monty.”) Cell phone off?

3 Going Paperless Your child should have all of the material we talk about tonight in his math folder. This info can be found on my webpage as well.

4 I Believe… That my students are completely capable of success. They will succeed when they complete their homework. They will be working hard this year. Kids will succeed when they take ownership of their education. They will succeed when they believe that they are here to learn. Their JOB right now is as a student. They will be confident in thinking at a higher level.

5 Math 7 & 8 Strengthen pre-algebra skills Some problems directly related to Algebra. Cover all general math 7 or math 8 standards.

6 Warm Ups Beginning of class most days “Top Score” Workbook (math 7) Review of M6 & M7 material Review of previous math curriculum (5 mins)

7 Homework Usually 3-4 times per week Should not take more than 30 minutes Practice, practice, practice… Must be complete, not almost complete Ample time in class for review of homework

8 Exams “Summative” exams every few weeks. “Formative” exams each week most likely. A RETAKE is available for summatives. Completed all corrections, AND obtain a parent signature on the original test. The retake should be taken after school within 2 weeks of receiving back the original test. Please see your child’s grading policy.

9 Supplies Spiral about 120 pages. Smaller spiral for only summative test corrections. Simple folder for papers. Pouch/Holder for 3 pencils, 3 red pens, etc.

10 What You Can Do Check child’s agenda each night Ask to see the completed homework (trust, but verify!) Ask Johnny why he got the answer he did on any particular problem. (Have him teach you) Check my webpage daily for hwk updates. Stress the fact that your child is the student and needs to ask questions in class.

11 What Your Child Can Do (not you, no offense. ) Ask and come for help during class and/or Resource. Ask and come for help after school (M, W, and Th.) Make arrangements himself to make up missed assignments Ask questions in class. See the teacher about any concerns she has at any time.

12 Current Units of Study I’ll try to keep posted the 9-week plan at the beginning of each quarter.

13 Class Information See additional attachments on my webpage.

14 Me Been teaching for 20 years. Moved to Reston in ’69. 1990 Hokie grad! Go VT! Wife is an elementary ELL teacher and sub. Have two precious daughters, 4 th and 6 th grade. Foster parents for Loudoun County. Live in Leesburg. Like church, reading, playing with my girls, hiking, biking.

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