 May 1917  Required registration of all men from 18 to 45  No substitution aloud!  Yet exemptions took place from key industries (ex: shipbuilding)

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2  May 1917  Required registration of all men from 18 to 45  No substitution aloud!  Yet exemptions took place from key industries (ex: shipbuilding)  Within a month, army increased from 200,000 to over 4 mil  Including 400,000 AA and Women (11,000 to Navy)  Over 300,000 escaped the draft (10,000 prosecuted)

3  Propaganda committee to try to sell America on the War & world on Wilson’s 14 Pts.  Headed by George Creel  Employed about 150,000 workers  Encouraged Liberty Leagues to spy on neighbors and report suspicious behavior

4  Liberty Loan Committee  US spent about 33 bil. directly on war effort  Raised 1/3 with increased taxes (income, excise on tobacco, liquor and other luxuries  Liberty Bonds  Propaganda used to entice Americans to purchase bonds including celebrities and massive billboard advertisement  Victory Loan Drives  William McAdoo (Treasure Secretary): “Only a friend of Germany would refuse to buy war bonds”

5  Approx. 6,000 strikes during the war (protest stagnant wages despite inflation)  Lost 35%purchasing power throughout war due to inflation  Created to oversee labor disputes  Prohibited strikes but encouraged progressive reforms such as 8-hour work day, higher wages, unionization, etc.  Union Membership  1916: 2.5 mil to 1919: 4 mil  Wobblies (IWW) continued to be strike

6  Herbert Hoover  Utilized voluntary compliance than enacting laws  Wheatless Wednesdays & Meatless Tuesdays  Victory Gardens  Congress restricted the use of foodstuffs for manufacturing alcoholic beverages  18 th Amendment in 1919 (prohibited sale, transportation, manufacturing, and consumption of alcohol  Results:  Farm production increased by 25%  Food exports to Allies tripled in volume


8  Created in March 1918, headed by Bernard Baruch  Response to lack of cooperation between military and civilian agency in purchasing supplies  Aimed to control raw materials, production, prices and labor relations  Encouraged mass-production techniques to increase efficiency  Used Price Controls  20% increase in industrial production under WIB

9  Issued Heatless Mondays, Lightless Tuesdays, and Gasless Sundays  Responsible for Start of Daylight-Saving Time






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