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Classification of microbes and taxonomy prokaryoteseukaryotes.

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1 Classification of microbes and taxonomy prokaryoteseukaryotes

2 Classification of microbes and taxonomy prokaryotesbacteriaarchaea

3 prokaryotic Like bacteria but the cell wall lack peptidoglycan ==not cause disease They found in extreme environments Are divided into 3 main groups

4 archaea Produce methane as a waste product from respiration methanogens =salt loving Live in extremely salty environments dead sea Extreme halophiles Heat lover Live in hot sulfurous water Extreme thermophilis

5 Bacteria Gram positiveGram negative Cocci Bacilli Cocci Bacilli Staphylococcus Streptococcus Bacillus Clostridium Corynebacterium Neissria Pseudomonas Escherichia Haemophilus Salmonella Vibrio Brucella Shigella Klebsiella Proteus


7 Gram positive Cocci Staphylococcus aureus skin lesions pyogenic = produce pus Streptococcus pneumoniae = diplococcus pneumonia Streptococcus pyogenes tonsillitis scarlet fever rheumatic fever

8 Gram positive Bacilli ---- spore forming Bacillus anthracis anthrax Clostridium– Cl.welchii Cl.septicum gas gangrene Cl.botulinum food posioning Cl.tetani tetanus

9 Gram positive Bacilli ----- non spore forming Corynebacterium diphtheriae diphtheria

10 Gram negative Cocci Neisseria meningitidis meningitis N. gonorrhoeae gonorrhoea

11 Gram negative Bacilli Pseudomonas ---2ry wound infection ---resist antibiotic Proteus ----U.T.I. wound infection Haemophilus ---bronchitis – meningitis Vibrio ---cholera Shigella ---bacillary dysentry

12 Gram negative Bacilli Salmonella ---typhoid fever Brucella ---brucellosis=undulate fever Escherichia ---U.T.I. ---normal flora ---infantile enteritis Klebsiella ---U.T.I., pneumonia

13 Other bacteria Acid-Fast Bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis ---T.B. Spirocheates Treponema pallidum ---syphilis

14 Classification of microbes and taxonomy

15 eukaryotes fungi anima l protists plant

16 Eukaryotes Absorbs dissolved organic matter through its plasma membrane fungi Unicellular yeast Multicellular mol d

17 Structure of Fungi Basic body “parts” are strands of cells, called hyphae The mass of hyphae forming the fungus “body” is called the mycelium, and appear fuzzy or powdery The visible fungus is usually the reproductive structure,

18 molds All are heterotrophs Almost all are multicellular All have cell walls made of chitin Spores They are very resistant to climate They are haploid (only 1 set of chromosomes

19 Typical moulds Pencillium digtatum ---spoiler of fruits Neurospora crassa ---bread mould

20 yeast Yeasts are eukaryotic microorganismseukaryoticmicroorganisms Yeasts are unicellular,unicellular Monilia=Candida some specie form budding cells known as pseudohyphae, or false hyphae,pseudohyphaefalse hyphae

21 Cell wall Composed of 3 major components *** internal glucan layer *** the external layer of mannoproteins *** chitin – which occupies various specialized locations ----cell wall composition varies according to physical conditions & developmental status

22 Cell wall


24 Life cycle Sexual & asexual reproduction is the most common **occurs by the formation of spores unlike bacterial spores ### spores are either sexual or asexual

25 Life cycle Asexual are formed by the hyphae of one organism=mitosis & subsequent cell division Sexual result from the fusion of nuclei from two opposite mating

26 Identification of fungi Direct ===wet mount ***spore type ***hyphae Culture === aerobic pH 5 25-30C Sabouraud s dextrose agar

27 Importance of Fungi Moulds & Yeast have pharmaceutical & medical significance ### Major decomposers of organic material==recycling of minerals & carbon ### A source of food ### Industry ** antibiotic production & chemicals

28 Importance of Fungi ### contaminate pharmaceutical preparations ### normal flora ### some can evade defense mechanisms of the immune system *** cause diseases *** in immune compromised individuals

29 Mycotic diseases = mycosis -- Cutaneous mycoses==affect keratin- containing tissues (hair, nails, skin) -- Subcutaneous mycoses==infections beneath the skin

30 -- Systemic mycoses== fungal infections deep within the body that affect many tissues & organs

31 -- Opportunistic mycoses==caused by normal flora or fungi that are not usually pathogenic **infect any tissue & usually systemic e.g Pneumocystic pneumonia Aspergillosis Candidiasis

32 Mycotoxins ***Aflatoxins ---- peanuts & grains ***mushroom poisoning

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