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Knowledge into Action: supporting education and learning Host: Derek Boyle Senior Knowledge Manager, NHS Education for Scotland

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge into Action: supporting education and learning Host: Derek Boyle Senior Knowledge Manager, NHS Education for Scotland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge into Action: supporting education and learning Host: Derek Boyle Senior Knowledge Manager, NHS Education for Scotland Email: Tel: 0141 352 2901

2 Learning outcomes: Improve your understanding of Knowledge into Action and your ability to explain it to others Increase your awareness of the resources and people that supports Knowledge into Action Knowledge of working examples in practice Discuss potential benefits for including Knowledge into Action in current education and learning activities

3 A couple of questions Can you tell us a little bit about how you currently support learning in your organisation? What are your initial thoughts on how Knowledge into Action might benefit these activities?

4 What is Knowledge into Action? evidence based practice knowledge translation knowledge implementation implementation science “The move beyond simple dissemination of knowledge to actual use of knowledge” Straus, et al (2009)

5 Knowledge into Action review help practitioners to apply knowledge to frontline practice. embed use of knowledge in healthcare improvement. support practitioners and managers to translate knowledge into better health outcomes, i.e. safe, effective, person- centred, efficient care.

6 From Accessing to Applying Knowledge in NHS Scotland Knowing 66 libraries 116 library staff 12 million + resources Doing How much of this gets used in a meaningful way to improve safe, effective, person-centred care?

7 Knowledge as process Know-what Journals MEDLINE Cochrane Know-where Systems Processes Variation Know-who Service user Practitioner Teams Practice Experience Research Know-how: Actionable Relational Organisational

8 Knowledge as process Actionable knowledge Checklists Pathways Mobile apps Relational use of knowledge Communities of Practice Social networking Social learning Organisational enablers Backing at national and board level Tests of change to demonstrate impact Knowledge broker Know-how: Actionable Relational Organisational

9 We’ve looked at the knowledge… now lets look at some action Practice based small group learning – using real clinical problems to stimulate reflection, discussion and learning among groups of peers Sepsis and VTE collaborative – develop a driver diagram, change package & measurement package to improve outcomes for patients with sepsis in Scotland.

10 Practice based small group learning Specially prepared modules produced which “closes the gap between current practice and best practice” Knowledge brokers provided support to clinicians in developing a PBSGL module on cervical screening. Educational perspective – clinicians and knowledge brokers working together

11 Sepsis and VTE collaborative The Sepsis Collaborative aims to contribute to overall aim of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme of reducing mortality rates by 20% by December 2015 Knowledge broker involved in a range of activities Educational perspective – knowledge broker role combined with tools and resources produced a positive outcome.

12 Suggested approaches Source – select appropriate resources Find – Training on searching Evaluate – Critical appraisal training Combine – Use of KM tools Share – Use of CoPs and social media Apply – use of actionable knowledge tools

13 Where to find out more? Take the knowledge management module on the QI Hub What can you do? Join a local or national test of change - contact your local NHS librarian

14 Summary Knowledge into Action is a national strategy which aims to develop the skills of frontline practitioners for applying knowledge into frontline practice and improvement This is not something new rather about embedding this approach into existing learning opportunities. There are tools, resources and people to support this moving forward.

15 Over to you… Objectives from my project plan Identify pilot groups to test approaches. Embed the core principles of knowledge into action into medical and quality improvement training. Can you tell us a little bit about how you currently support learning in your organisation? What are your initial thoughts on how Knowledge into Action might benefit these activities?

16 References 1.Straus SE, Tetroe J, Graham ID. Knowledge Translation in Health Care: Moving from Evidence to Practice. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009. 2.Morris, Z.S.; Wooding, S; Grant, J. The answer is 17 years, what is the question: understanding time lags in translational research. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 2011. 104:510-520 3.NHS Education for Scotland and Healthcare Improvement Scotland. Getting Knowledge into Action to Improve Healthcare Quality: Report of Strategic Review and Recommendations, 2012.

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