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Lecture №10. 1. The public arrangement and political history of Ak (White) Horde. 2.Conquring campaigns of Emir Timur (Tamerlan). 2. State of Mogulistan.

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1 Lecture №10

2 1. The public arrangement and political history of Ak (White) Horde. 2.Conquring campaigns of Emir Timur (Tamerlan). 2. State of Mogulistan.

3 1. The public arrangement and political history of Ak (White) Horde. A Period of after Mongol invasions (XIV-XV cc.) is characterized by association of nomadic and settled-nomadic population of the territory East Desht- and Kypchak, Semirechie and South Kazakhstan.

4  The territory of White Horde formed in the result of its separation from Golden Horde. It covered the eastern part of the Djuchi Ulus (left wing), which was a vast area of present Kazakhstan, except Zhetisu, to the east of the Ural river and to the north of Aral Sea and Syr Darya.  The White Horde was under the rule of Batu Khan and his successors. Batu’s older brother Orda Ijen inherited the residence of his father Djuchi, the Blue Horde, located in the upper reaches of the Irtysh river near Lake Alakol.

5 The capital of the White Horde in the 14th century was Sygnak city.

6 The public arrangement of Ak Horde Khan Oghlans Bekhs, emirs, bahadurs

7 The political history of Ak Horde :  The first stage is long struggle for clearing of territories of East Desht-i- Kypchak from under authority of Golden Horde;  The second stage-intervention of Ak-horde khans in policy of Golden Horde;  The last stage is struggle against aggression of governor of Maverannakhr of Emir Timur and Timureeds.

8 Finally to tear with nominal dependence from Golden Horde it was possible in middle of XIV century to Erzen khan and Mubarak – hodja (1320-1344). The Ak Horde has considerably become stronger at Urus khan in 60-70-th of XIV century.

9 2.Conquring campaigns of Emir Timur (Tamerlan). Emir Timur (Tamerlan)- (1370-1405) governor of Maverannakhr and Central Asia

10 Samarkand- is capital of Empire’s Emir Timur

11 The mosque of Bibi khanym

12 Timur and his great-grandson Zakhriddin Muhammad Babur (1483-1530)

13  Timur's aggressive policy against the White Horde and Mogulistan interrupted the process of ethnic consolidation and development of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz tribes.  After three military campaigns of Timur's army in 1389, 1391 and 1395 the Golden Horde was defeated. During these campaigns against the Golden Horde Timur’s troops plundered the population of Kazakhstan, Caucasus and Southern Russia. Were destroyed all the major cities of Golden Horde in Volga region and Crimea (Sarai- Batu, Astrakhan,etc.)

14 The Empire of Emir Timur By end of Timur’s life his empire included, except Maverannakhr, territories of Iran, Iraq,Afghanistan, Caucasus and part of India. In winter 1404-1405 Timur led a huge army across South Kz. to China, but in February 1405 died in Otrar.

15 2. State of Mogulistan.

16 XV-XVI cc.- time of existence’s Mogulistan state Mogulistan also called the Eastern Chagatai Khanate. Bkaht Toghluck Timur- founder of the state. Toghlugh Timur also later converted to Islam. Conversion amongst the general population was slow to follow. Timur appointed his son, Iliyas khodja, khan, who was killed in 1368 by Qamar -ud-din Dughlat.

17 This takeover provoked a period of near- constant civil wars, because the tribal chiefs could not accept that Qamar ud-din, a "commoner", could accede to the throne. Opposition to Qamar within his own Dughlat tribe compromised the unity of Mogulistan, as Mirza Abu Bakr Dughlat took control above Kashgar.

18 The representatives of ruling nobility of Mogulistan

19 During the XV c. Moguls had to deal with several enemy incursions by the Oirats, Timurids and Uzbeks. Yunus Khan (1462-1487) profited from the weakness of his neighbors and took Tashkent in 1482. Finally, in the mid. of XVI c. Mogulistan came under increasing pressure from the Kyrgyz and Kazakh khanate.

20  Thanks to the active intercourses of the ethnic groups, similar on language, material and spiritual culture took place. These states had many common in their state system: ulus organization of the nomad population, structure of the ruling (khan) power and army, tax system.  In general, these forms and structure were taken from the Mongol time, and they were remained in the Kazak khanate in XV c.

21 Thank you of your attention!!!

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