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Development of Category Lists in the Public Sector Danny Budzak

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Category Lists in the Public Sector Danny Budzak"— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Category Lists in the Public Sector Danny Budzak

2 Starting Point: Modernising Improve Service delivery Development of technologies Exponential growth of information resources = e-Government

3 Issues for local government Cultural change Information creators and producers Information retrieval Information management Professional expertise and local knowledge Diversity of service delivery

4 Issues for local government metadata will be mandatory all information resources all information systems Freedom of Information....

5 Pathfinder projects APLAWS accessible personalised local authority web sites April 2001 - March 2002 Partnership Open Source Content Management System Develop a category list

6 APLAWS Category List Survey of London Borough websites General Top Level CategoryNumber of instances News41 Feedback31 Education25 A-Z25 Contact23 Business22 Jobs22 Councillors13 Help10 Mix of category terms and navigation elements

7 Range of terms - News 'News' described as: civic newspaper latest information latest news media centre more news news news and events news and new information news and press releases news and views news and what's on in... news releases news, research and information newsweb press releases

8 complete range of terms Complete list of all the terms and labels collected into a-z education education and leisure education and training education, youth and leisure services elections election 2001 electoral registration and voting emergencies employment enjoying (the borough) environment

9 number of instances of the terms counted TermNumber of instances Business11 Environment9 Housing4 Jobs9 Living10 Services6 Social Services4

10 Prototype and testing Small prototype build Small user testing project in local library 12 top level categories Health and jobs...

11 Blood, sweat and tears... Lessons: lack of local authority knowledge consultation too narrow lack of user testing category list a mix of services and types neither mono or poly... release of draft too early....! requirements of publication schemes

12 IEDISS - Integrated Electronic Democracy Support Systems Took a top level category from the APLAWS category list Council and Local Democracy Audit of 7 London local authorities Collected all the terms

13 Involving the user... workshops with staff - experts workshops with citizens - non-experts? what is scrutiny? is the local authority the same as the council? what does citizen mean? build a prototype 17 hours film report at



16 LAWs - Local Authority Websites build on the APLAWS category list much wider consultation removed errors from APLAWS list learned the lessons from councils at stage of implementation aims and objectives - single category list for local government any council can use

17 LAWs - Local Authority Websites other issues: user input? uses of the category list - subject element category refinement

18 LAWs - Local Authority Websites other uses: build directory Freedom of Information expectations - will do everything...

19 Other category lists Number of councils have created their own category lists Government Category List seamlessUK project intranets and internets

20 future developments? e-Government Standards Body co-ordinate the work of local authorities collect and disseminate best practice pilot schemes knowledge hub discussion forums

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