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Alternative Energy Sources.  Solar  Geothermal  Hydroelectric  Wind.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Energy Sources.  Solar  Geothermal  Hydroelectric  Wind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Energy Sources

2  Solar  Geothermal  Hydroelectric  Wind

3 Solar Power-15 minutes of sun could power the world for 1year

4 Types of Solar Power  Active –Involves the use of solar collector –photovoltaics  Passive –No working parts –Uses sunlight directly –When sun shines in the window it warms the room

5 Active Solar Power  Solar Collector  Heats water as it passes through tubes.  Water is used to heat buildings or preheat water heaters

6 Active Solar Power  Photovoltaics  Sunlight collected by panels is converted to electricity  Electricity can be sold back to the utility company

7 Large-scale Solar Electric Site

8 Solar Power  Benefits –Abundant –No greenhouse gases, few other pollutants –Simple, minimal repair needed –Cheap over the long term  Detriments –Retrofitting needed if structure is not already designed as passive solar –Has limitations, night, some locations better such as south rather than north facing slopes –Initial investment cost can be a lot.

9 Solar Video Clip

10 Geothermal Energy

11 Geothermal - How does it work?  Drill to deep, hot rock –Either wet system heated water below ground is used –Dry system sends above ground water belowground to get heated  Resulting steam can be used for a number of purposes

12 Geothermal Energy  Steam can be used as heat  Steam can drove turbines to generate electricity  Used by –San Francisco –Iceland –Italy –Japan

13 Geothermal Video Clip

14 Hydroelectric  Energy produced by running water  11% of power in US  Dam holds back water  When released it produces energy

15 How hydropower works

16 New Melones Powerplant

17 Negative effects of Hydropower  Flooding the land  Loss of species (aquatic & terrestrial)  Loss of normal nutrient flow down river  Changes temperature of water, too

18 Tidal Power  Dams are built to trap water at high tide and release at low tide. Tidal dam

19 Positive Effects of Hydropower  Can generate electricity  No greenhouse gases  Initial construction provides jobs

20 Hydropower Video Clip

21 Wind power  Can be used for mechanical tasks, e.g. pumping water  Can be used for generation of electricity for direct use or storage in batteries  Cannot depend on wind energy alone

22 Electrical Power Windmills  High speed, low torque machines  Will turn themselves off if wind speed exceeds their limits

23 Altamont Pass Wind Farm  Between Livermore and Tracy  4800 small wind turbines  One of the oldest in US

24 Effects of windpower  No greenhouse gases  Few other pollutants  Cheap  Abundant  Simple  Some noise pollution  Metal blades interfere with TV & radio reception  Aesthetic pollution  No evidence for bird death, but can kill bats Positive Negative

25 Wind Video Clip

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