An R&D Manager’s Perspective TechExpo October 5, 2004 Presented by: Veena Rawat.

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Presentation on theme: "An R&D Manager’s Perspective TechExpo October 5, 2004 Presented by: Veena Rawat."— Presentation transcript:

1 An R&D Manager’s Perspective TechExpo October 5, 2004 Presented by: Veena Rawat

2 A Glimpse of CRC Primary federal government laboratory for advanced communications R&D – Agency of Industry Canada Major clients: Industry Canada, National Defence, Canadian Space Agency, Canadian industry $71M annual budget (2003-2004) 235 research staff, 180 corporate staff Mission – To help identify and close the innovation gaps in Canada’s communications sector by: –engaging in industry partnerships –building technical intelligence –supporting small and medium-sized high-technology enterprises

3 Main Thrusts R&D Long term R&D to strengthen expertise in key technology areas Major client-driven activities; IC, DND, CSA and industry Rural and Remote Broadband Access Program

4 Roles of Federal Laboratories Support decision-making, policy development and regulations –rural and remote broadband access –S&T policy and horizontal integration –spectrum management Support development of standards (e.g. ITU, NATO, IEEE)

5 Roles of Federal Laboratories Support public health, safety, environmental and/or defence needs (e.g. 25% CRC business is for Defence) Enable economic and social development (e.g. Innovation Centre) These roles are supported by the guiding principles: –Alignment –Linkages –Excellence

6 Industry Canada’s Priorities Economic Development –lead the development of broad framework and policies for economic development Science and Technology –develop and implement S&T policy and programs to increase research and commercialization Marketplace –set administrative rules for a fair, efficient and competitive functioning of the Canadian marketplace

7 CRC’s Core Expertise CRC maintains a critical mass of expertise in: –wireless systems –communications networks –radio fundamentals –interactive multimedia –photonics

8 R&D Directions Client Priorities Extramural Networking International Technology Trends Board of Directors

9 Research Drivers Technology Trends and Issues Broadband Wireless Next Generation Internet Cyber Defence Public Safety Security

10 Government Priorities –economic, social and security issues Client NeedsClient Needs –Industry Canada –National Defence –Canadian Space Agency –Private Industry and Universities International Research –main contact point for international S&T initiatives in the ICT Sector Business Drivers

11 CRC’s Main Clients Industry Canada –Spectrum Research Program –terrestrial wireless, fixed and mobile satellite services, broadcasting services, electromagnetic compatibility, and telecommunications standards

12 CRC’s Main Clients National Defence –R&D conducted for Defence R&D Canada –projects span several communication layers from physical, through network to application, and addresses growing military requirements in network-centric operations for communications interoperability, increased information flow, and effective mobile communications in complex environments

13 CRC’s Main Clients Canadian Space Agency –Satellite Communications Program – Canadian Space Plan –Program management and technical authority for domestic satellite communications programs

14 Private Industry –technology commercialization through IP CRC’s Main Clients 427 Active Agreements 226 Active Patents covering 94 inventions

15 Private Industry –incubation at CRC’s Innovation Centre –40 companies incubated since 1994 –eight companies currently on site –recent success stories: Skywave Mobile, Nimcat Networks, Spotwave Wireless CRC’s Main Clients

16 R&D Management Process Ongoing consultation with clients to define their priorities Advice and guidance from CRC’s Board of Directors Annual strategic planning exercise CRC R&D community – opportunities for collaboration identified

17 R&D Outcomes Economic growth through technology transfer and company creation Advancement of knowledge - strong scientific knowledge base to maintain global competitiveness Increased collaborative efforts on issues and challenges of national and international concern Policies and regulations based on informed decision- making

18 As a Public Lab we... Know technology trends and issues Know our research strengths Respond to government priorities through collaboration, contracting-in, licensing and incubation Stay connected to our external environment Listen to key players in the S&T community Turn our knowledge into the right research decisions

19 Visit us at

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