Chapter 3 Building your own Extensions. Development Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Building your own Extensions. Development Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Building your own Extensions

2 Development Environment

3 Must Haves ・ Text Editor ( UTF-8 compatible ) ・ File Archiver ( ZIP compatible )

4 Nice to Have ・ JavaScript debugger ( Venkman ) ・ Hidden preferences for development

5 Text Editor

6 Hidemaru Editor TeraPad

7 File Archiver

8 7-Zip

9 Debugger

10 Venkman JavaScript debugger Japanese language package blosxom.cgi/mozilla/extension/ 2005-09-30_venkman-ja.htm

11 Hidden Preferences

12 ・ browser.dom.window.dump.enabled Enables dump output to console →true ・ javascript.options.showInConsole Enables errors to be reported to console →true

13 Create a new profile for development work

14 ・ firefox.exe -p Start profile manager ・ firefox.exe -p "foobar" Start up using specific profile ・ firefox.exe -p "foobar" -no- remote Start multiple Firefox instances using different profiles


16 Now, on to actually building an Extension

17 …… But

18 Try modifying the Firefox code first

19 C:\Program Files \Mozilla Firefox \chrome\browser.jar


21 Implementation steps for the Firefox browser

22 Step1. Extract browser.jar Step2. Modify browser.xul Step3. Compress browser.jar Step4. Double check * It's a good idea to back up a copy of browser.jar

23 Displaying a “Hello, world!!” message

24 content\browser\browser.xul 1388. 1389. 1390. 1391. 1392. 1393. 1394. 1395. 1396. Add this to the end of the file

25 Restart Firefox


27 Display “Hello, world!!” in the “Tools” menu

28 content\browser\browser.xul 931. 932. 933. <menuitem label="&search.label;" accesskey="&search.accesskey;" 934. key="key_search" command="Tools:Search"/> (snipped) ‏ 939. <menuitem accesskey="&pageInfoCmd.accesskey;" label="&page...l;" 940. command="View:PageInfo"/> 941. 942. 943. <menuitem id="sanitizeItem" 944. accesskey="&clearPrivateDataCmd.accesskey;" 945. label="&clearPrivateDataCmd.label;" 946. key="key_sanitize" command="Tools:Sanitize"/> (snipped) ‏ 943. 944. Add this to the file

29 Restart Firefox



32 Turn these modifications into an Extension

33 Upload your work to ~incoming/mozilla24-ws/

34 xul/doc/ 20070726keio/

35 Step1. Prepare files and folders Step2. Create manifest file Step3. Create XPI package

36 Preparing files and folders

37 helloworld chrome overlay.xul install.rdf chrome.manifest content

38 Isolate the XUL modifications for the overlay file

39 (snipped) ‏ <menu id="tools-menu" label="&toolsMenu.label;" accesskey="&toolsMenu.accesskey;"> (snipped) ‏ (snipped) ‏ (snipped) ‏ overlay.xul 1. 2.<overlay id="helloworldOverlay" 3. xmlns=""> 4. 5. <menuitem id="helloworldMenuitem" 6. label="Hello, world!" 7. insertbefore="sanitizeSeparator"/> 8. 9.

40 overlay.xul 1. 2.<overlay id="helloworldOverlay" 3.xmlns=" keymaster/gatekeeper/"> 4. 5. <menuitem id="helloworldMenuitem" 6. label="Hello, world!" 7. insertbefore="sanitizeSeparator"/> 8. 9.

41 Creating a manifest file

42 1 install.rdf extension metadata

43 install.rdf 1. 2.<RDF xmlns="" 3. xmlns:em=""> 4. 5. 6. 2 7. Hellow, world! 8. 0.1 9. My first extension. 10. SHIMODA Hiroshi 11. 12. 13. 14. {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} 15. 2.0 16. 2.0.0.* 17. 18. 19.

44 install.rdf (1) ‏ 1. 2.<RDF xmlns="" 3. xmlns:em=""> 4. 5. 6. 2 7. Hellow, world! 8. 0.1 9. My first extension. 10. SHIMODA Hiroshi 11.

45 install.rdf (2) ‏ 12. 13. 14. {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} 15. 2.0 16. 2.0.0.* 17. 18. 19. IDs that can be assigned to target Application Firefox: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} Thunderbird: {3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}

46 2 chrome.manifest file path and designating overlay

47 chrome.manifest 1.content helloworld chrome/content/ 2.overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/content/overlay.xul

48 chrome.manifest(1) ‏ 1.content helloworld chrome/content/ chrome://helloworld/content/ Chrome URL

49 chrome.manifest(2) ‏ 2.overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/content/overlay.xul browser.xul

50 chrome.manifest(2) ‏ 2.overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/content/overlay.xul browser.xul overlay.xul

51 chrome.manifest(2) ‏ 2.overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/content/overlay.xul browser.xul overlay.xul browser.xul

52 Creating the XPI package

53 Cross-Platform Install Package

54 Is just a ZIP Archive under the cover

55 helloworld chrome overlay.xul install.rdf chrome.manifest content helloworld.xpi

56 Now use the browser.jar backed up earlier to install the helloworld.xpi


58 Adding a clock feature


60 xul/doc/ 20070726keio/

61 Step1. Build the framework with XUL Step2. Build the logic with JavaScript Step3. Make the clock window accessible from the menu Step4. Repackage the XPI

62 Step 1. Build the framework with XUL

63 helloworld chrome overlay.xul install.rdf chrome.manifest content clock.xul

64 1. 2. 3.<dialog id="clockDialog" 4. xmlns= "" 5. title="Clock" 6. buttons="accept" 7. onload="initClock();"> 8. <script type="application/x-javascript" 9. src="clock.js"/> 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

65 clock.xul(1) ‏ 1. 2. 3.<dialog id="clockDialog" 4. xmlns="..." 5. title="Clock" 6. buttons="accept" 7. onload="initClock();">

66 clock.xul(2) ‏ 8.<script type="application/x-javascript" 9. src="clock.js"/> 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

67 Step 2. Build the logic with JavaScript

68 helloworld chrome overlay.xul install.rdf chrome.manifest content clock.xul clock.js

69 1.Function initClock() { 2. showCurrentTime(); 3. window.setInterval(showCurrentTime, 1000); 4.} 5.function showCurrentTime() { 6. var textbox = document.getElementById("currentTime"); 7. textbox.value = new Date().toLocaleTimeString(); 8.; 9.}

70 Step 3. Make the clock window accessible from the menu

71 overlay.xul 5.<menuitem id="helloworldMenuitem" 6. label="Hello, world!" 7. insertbefore="sanitizeSeparator" 8. oncommand="window.openDialog( 'chrome://helloworld/content/clock.xul', 'Clock', 'chrome,centerscreen,modal');"/>

72 Step 4. Repackage the XPI

73 helloworld.xpi helloworld chrome overlay.xul install.rdf chrome.manifest content clock.xul clock.js

74 Install helloworld.xpi again


76 Let's try some localization


78 xul/doc/ 20070726keio/

79 Step1. Add a locale package Step2. Modify chrome.manifest Step3. Modify XUL Step4. Repackage the XPI

80 Step 1. Add a locale package

81 helloworld chrome install.rdf chrome.manifest content locale en-US clock.dtd ja clock.dtd

82 clock.xul 1. 2. 3.<dialog id="..." 4. xmlns="..." 5. title="Clock" 6. buttons="..." 7. onload="..."> 8. <script type="..." 9. src="..."/> 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

83 en-US/clock.dtd 1. 2.

84 ja/clock.dtd 1. 2.

85 Step 2. Modify chrome.manifest

86 chrome.manifest 1.content helloworld chrome/content/ 2.overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/content/overlay.xul 3.Locale helloworld en-US chrome/locale/en-US/ 4.locale helloworld ja chrome/locale/ja/

87 Part appended to chrome.manifest 3.locale helloworld en-US chrome/locale/en-US/ 4.locale helloworld ja chrome/locale/ja/

88 localehelloworld en-US chrome/locale/en-US/ locale helloworld ja chrome/locale/ja/ chrome://helloworld/loca le/ In English environments general.useragent.locale=en-US

89 localehelloworld en-US chrome/locale/en-US/ locale helloworld ja chrome/locale/ja/ chrome://helloworld/locale/ In Japanese environments general.useragent.locale=ja

90 Step 3. Modify XUL

91 clock.xul 1. 2. 3. 4.<dialog id="..." 5. xmlns="..." 6. title="&helloworld.clock;" 7. buttons="..." 8. onload="...">... 2. 3. 4. 5.

92 Step 4. Repackage the XPI

93 helloworld.xpi helloworld chrome install.rdf chrome.manifest content locale en-US ja

94 Install helloworld.xpi again


96 Adding a button to the Toolbar


98 xul/doc/ 20070726keio/

99 Step1. Modify XUL Step2. Add a skin package Step3. Modify chrome.manifest Step4. Repackage the XPI

100 Step 1. Modify XUL

101 overlay.xul 1. 2.<overlay id="helloworldOverlay" 3. xmlns=" keymaster/gatekeeper/"> 4. 5. <command id="helloworldCommand" 6. oncommand="window.openDialog( 'chrome://helloworld/content/clock.xul', 'Clock', 'chrome,centerscreen,modal');" 7. 8. 9. <toolbarbutton id="helloworldButton" 10. label="Hello, World!" 11. class="toolbarbutton-1" 12. command="helloworldCommand"/> 13. 14. 15. <menuitem id="helloworldMenuitem" 16. label="Hello, world!" 17. insertbefore="sanitizeSeparator" 18. command="helloworldCommand"/> 19. 20.

102 overlay.xul(1) ‏ 4. 5. <command id="helloworldCommand" 6. oncommand="window.openDialog( 'chrome://helloworld/content/clock.xul', 'Clock', 'chrome,centerscreen,modal');" 7.

103 overlay.xul(2) ‏ 8. 9. <toolbarbutton id="helloworldButton" 10. label="Hello, World!" 11. class="toolbarbutton-1" 12. command="helloworldCommand"/> 13.

104 overlay.xul(3) ‏ 15.<menuitem id="helloworldMenuitem" 16. label="Hello, world!" 17. insertbefore="sanitizeSeparator" 18. command="helloworldCommand"/>

105 Step 2. Add a skin package

106 helloworld chrome install.rdf chrome.manifest content locale classic icon.png skin icon-small.png overlay.css

107 icon.png icon-small.png 24×24 16×16

108 overlay.css 1.#helloworldButton { 2. list-style-image: url("icon.png"); 3.} 4.toolbar[iconsize="small"] { 5. list-style-image: url("icon-small.png"); 6.}

109 Step 3. Modify chrome.manifest

110 chrome.manifest 1.content helloworld chrome/content/ 2.overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/content/overlay.xul 3.locale helloworld en-US chrome/locale/en-US/ 4.locale helloworld ja chrome/locale/ja/ helloworld classic/1.0 chrome/skin/classic/ chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/skin/overlay.css chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://helloworld/skin/overlay.css

111 chrome.manifest 1.content helloworld chrome/content/ 2.overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/content/overlay.xul 3.locale helloworld en-US chrome/locale/en-US/ 4.locale helloworld ja chrome/locale/ja/ helloworld classic/1.0 chrome/skin/classic/ chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/skin/overlay.css chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://helloworld/skin/overlay.css

112 chrome://helloworld/skin/ helloworld classic/1.0 chrome/skin/classic/ Code added to chrome.manifest(1) ‏

113 chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/skin/overlay.css Code added to chrome.manifest(2) ‏ browser.xul 1. 2. 3....

114 chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://helloworld/skin/overlay.css Code added to chrome.manifest(3) ‏ customizeToolbar.xul 1. 2. 3....

115 Step 4. Repackage the XPI

116 helloworld.xpi helloworld chrome install.rdf chrome.manifest content locale skin

117 Install helloworld.xpi again


119 Packaging using the jar format

120 xul/doc/ 20070726keio/

121 Many extensions are packaged using this format

122 Benefits

123 1. Saves disk space 2. JAR files can be digitally signed

124 Step1. Collect chrome folder contents into a jar file Step2. Modify chrome.manifest Step3. Repackage the XPI

125 Step 1. Collect chrome folder contents into a jar file

126 helloworld.jar helloworld chrome install.rdf chrome.manifest content locale skin

127 helloworld chrome helloworld.jar install.rdf chrome.manifest

128 Step 2. Modify chrome.manifest

129 chrome.manifest 1.contenthelloworld jar:chrome/helloworld.jar!/content/ 2.overlaychrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/content/overlay.xul 3.localehelloworld en-US jar:chrome/helloworld.jar!/locale/en-US/ 4.localehelloworld ja jar:chrome/helloworld.jar!/locale/ja/ helloworld classic/1.0 jar:chrome/helloworld.jar!/skin/classic/ chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://helloworld/skin/overlay.css chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://helloworld/skin/overlay.css

130 content helloworld chrome/content/ Modification to chrome.manifest(1) ‏ helloworld chrome chrome.manifest content

131 content helloworld jar:chrome/helloworld.jar!/content/ Modification to chrome.manifest(1) ‏ helloworld chrome chrome.manifest content helloworld.jar

132 locale helloworld en-US jar:chrome/helloworld.jar!/locale/en-US/ Modification to chrome.manifest(2) ‏ helloworld chrome chrome.manifest locale helloworld.jar en-US

133 locale helloworld ja jar:chrome/helloworld.jar!/locale/ja/ Modification to chrome.manifest(3) ‏ helloworld chrome chrome.manifest locale helloworld.jar ja

134 skin helloworld classic/1.0 jar:chrome/helloworld.jar!/skin/classic/ Modification to chrome.manifest(4) ‏ helloworld chrome chrome.manifest skin helloworld.jar classic

135 Step 4. Repackage the XPI

136 helloworld.xpi helloworld chrome helloworld.jar install.rdf chrome.manifest

137 Install helloworld.xpi again


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