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Vegetation Zones of North America By Mr. Palmerio.

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Presentation on theme: "Vegetation Zones of North America By Mr. Palmerio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vegetation Zones of North America By Mr. Palmerio

2 Vegetation Zones Broken up by climate and physical geography of each area – Mountains and oceans affect the climate

3 Polar and Tundra Zone Northern Canada and Alaska Above freezing 2 months of the year 4 -20 inches of rain per year

4 Polar and Tundra Zone



7 Forest Zone Most of Canada and the Northeast, Northwest and Southeast USA Temperature varies from mild to cold 10 – 80 inches of rain per year

8 Forest Zone



11 Rain Forest Zone Along the Pacific Coast Temperature mostly above 32 degrees 167 inches of rain per year

12 Rain Forest Zone



15 Grassland Zone Center of North America Temperature is mild to severe 15-30 inches of rain per year

16 Grassland Zone



19 Desert Zone Southwest USA High temperatures Less than 10 inches of rain per year

20 Desert Zone



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