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Perception Is… The process of recognizing, organizing, and interpreting sensory information.

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Presentation on theme: "Perception Is… The process of recognizing, organizing, and interpreting sensory information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perception Is… The process of recognizing, organizing, and interpreting sensory information

2 Two Theories Bottom-up theories
-Parts are identified, put together, and then recognition occurs Top-down theories -People actively construct perceptions using information based on expectations

3 Constancy Our ability to recognize that size, shape and brightness (color) don’t change even when sensory input of an object changes. Size constancy Shape constancy Brightness constancy

4 Sensory adaptation -Occurs when sensory receptors change their sensitivity to the stimulus -Constant stimulation leads to lower sensitivity -The brain is constantly processing and adjusting it’s perception of sensory input


6 Sensory Adaptation can lead to After Images

7 After Images in Color


9 Gestalt Organizational Principles
Module 07: Perception Gestalt Organizational Principles

10 The “whole,” or the organizational patterns that we tend to perceive;
Gestalt The “whole,” or the organizational patterns that we tend to perceive; the Gestalt psychologists emphasized that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. By breaking experiences into their basic parts, something important is lost.



13 Draw what you Just saw Now compare your drawing with the original.
In what ways is it similar, what details did you miss?

14 Law of Praganz Reality is organized and reduced to the simplest form possible.

15 Gestalt Organizational Principles: Figure-Ground Relationships
Module 07: Perception Gestalt Organizational Principles: Figure-Ground Relationships

16 The figure is the object(s) that stands out or draws one’s attention.
Figure-Ground The organization of the visual field into objects (figures) that stand out from their surroundings (ground). The figure is the object(s) that stands out or draws one’s attention. The ground is the background.

17 Figure-Ground

18 Gestalt Organizational Principles: Grouping Principles
Module 07: Perception Gestalt Organizational Principles: Grouping Principles

19 The perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into understandable units.
Grouping The perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into understandable units. Several principles of grouping include: Similarity Proximity Closure Continuity

20 The tendency to place items that look similar into a group
Grouping - Similarity The tendency to place items that look similar into a group

21 Grouping - Proximity The tendency to place objects that are physically close to each other in a group

22 Grouping – Closure The tendency to look at the whole by filling in gaps in a perceptual field

23 Grouping – Continuity The tendency to perceive that movement of an object continues once it appears to move in a particular direction

24 Grouping- Common fate Objects that move or function in a similar manner will be seen as a unit.

25 What Principles Do we See

26 Depth Cues

27 Depth Cues Eleanor Gibson and her Visual Cliff Experiment.
If you are old enough to crawl, you are old enough to see depth perception. We see depth by using two cues that researchers have put in two categories: Monocular Cues Binocular Cues

28 Binocular Cues We need both of our eyes to use these cues.
Retinal Disparity (as an object comes closer to us, the differences in images between our eyes becomes greater. Convergence (as an object comes closer our eyes have to come together to keep focused on the object).

29 Monocular Cues You really only need one eye to use these (used in art classes to show depth). Linear Perspective Interposition Relative size Texture gradient Shadowing Relative Height






35 Illusions and Perceptual Set

36 Ponzo Illusion Tricks our sense of size constancy

37 Mueller Lyon Illusion Tricks our sense of linear perspective

38 Lets test ourselves

39 What Depth Cues did the vertical/Horizontal lines trick?

40 Illusions of Motion Autokinetic effects

41 Phi Phenomenon : apparent movement between flashing stationary images

42 Stroboscopic: When images are flashed in sequence to create the illusion of continuous movement
“cell animation”

43 Emotions and Motivation
Influence our attention and perception

44 Perceptual Set Experience builds expectations which direct perceptions



47 2 minutes study and look for a pattern





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