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Ecosystems I: environmental factors

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1 Ecosystems I: environmental factors
UNIT 6 Ecosystems I: environmental factors TERMITES Biology and Geology 4. Secondary Education

2 African termite mounds
UNIT 6 TERMITES TERMITE COLONIES Termites are insects that feed on wood and live in colonies or mounds called termitaria or termite nests. They live above all in tropical rain forests and the savannahs of South America, Africa and Australia. Termites are characteristically social insects, living in colonial associations . The work in the colonies is divided between different groups or castes of termites to keep the colony working . The main castes in termite nests are: the royal pair, the soldiers and the workers. Termites African termite mounds Biology and Geology 4. Secondary Education

3 UNIT 6 Termites CASTES The royal pair are the king and queen, who make up the reproductive pair in charge of creating new individuals to increase and maintain the size of the colony. The soldiers, whose job is to defend the colony. The worker ants construct the mounds and keep them in good condition, feed the entire colony and look after the eggs and their larvae. Reproductive pair King Queen Soldier Worker ant Finally, there are also winged reproductive individuals, which will give rise to the new reproductive termite pair, and young termites. Biology and Geology 4. Secondary Education

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