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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE AND THE HOLOCAUST Mrs. J. Wallen 2012-2013 Session."— Presentation transcript:


2 TRUE OR FALSE???  1. Before 1939, governments in Western Europe, the United States, and Canada had an open door (“Come one; come all.”)policy for all German-Jewish refugees, but Hitler refused them permission to emigrate.  Answer: FALSE. Only the Dominican Republic had this policy during this time period. While both the United States and Canada knew about the persecution of the Jews, nothing was done to aid their plight.

3 TRUE OR FALSE???  2. Jews made up 25 % of the population of prewar Germany, thus leading to the high numbers that were exterminated during the Final Solution.  Answer: FALSE. Jews only made up between 8- 11 % of the population.

4 TRUE OR FALSE???  3. The goal of Hitler’s Final Solution was the resettlement of Jews outside of Germany.  Answer: FALSE. The Final Solution aimed to completely annihilate one subgroup of people after repeated attempts to remove them from the population had occurred.

5 TRUE OR FALSE???  4. Genocide, as practiced by Hitler, was similar to such anti-Semitic outbreaks as the Russian pogroms or the attacks on Jews during the Crusades.  Answer: FALSE. The primary goal of previous anti-Semitic acts was to relocate the Jews.

6 TRUE OR FALSE???  5. Jews are a race as well as a religious group.  Answer: FALSE. Judaism is a religion. In order for a group to be classified as a race, that unit has to be acknowledged as having a homeland. The Jews have never, in recorded history, been in possession of their own land.

7 TRUE OR FALSE???  6. If Jews converted, they were not sent to ghettos or concentration camps.  Answer: FALSE. The lineage of a Jew was traced all the way back to the grandparents. If any part of a person’s heritage was Jewish, that person was considered a Jew. Conversions initially slowed up the round up of Jews; however, all Jews, both present and former, were eventually targeted.

8 TRUE OR FALSE???  7. The government of the United States was aware of the mass executions of Jews during the war.  Answer: TRUE. The U.S. government was privy to information regarding the atrocities that were ongoing in Europe, and that information was eventually leaked to the press. However, newspapers often chose to bury the stories in the back pages of the papers, in small editorials.

9 TRUE OR FALSE???  8. All concentration camps were centrally located in Germany.  Answer: FALSE. The bulk of the concentration camps were actually located in Poland. The Germans established a policy of “plausible deniability” and planned to blame the deplorable acts on the Poles.

10 TRUE OR FALSE???  9. Deniers, people who say the Holocaust never happened, are acting out of ignorance.  Answer: FALSE. Most Holocaust deniers know more about history and the Holocaust than the average citizen would. It’s not what you know; it’s how you use it. (Lipstadt)

11 TRUE OR FALSE???  10. The Holocaust would not have been possible without the support of local populations in countries occupied by the Nazis.  Answer: TRUE. While the Nazis did have a powerful army, they could not have rounded up the victims without the help of all-to-eager, average citizens.

12 TRUE OR FALSE???  11. The Nazis established ghettos as havens against the anti-Semitism of local populations in Poland and other eastern European countries.  Answer: FALSE. The statement above was the excuse of one Nazi officer during the Nuremberg trials as to the construction and usage of ghettos. Really, ghettos were used as holding areas prior to deportment to concentration camps.

13 TRUE OR FALSE???  12. Students study the Holocaust solely to learn about the persecution of Jews.  Answer: FALSE. The purpose of a course centered around the Holocaust is to make a person more aware of the extent of hatred, intolerance, bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination so as to combat these negative forces in his/her own life, thusly changing the world around him/her.  If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

14 CONFORMITY…WHY?  On what issues or in what ways do people conform?

15  Definition: a preference or inclination that inhibits impartiality.

16 PREJUDICE  Definition: an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand, without knowledge of the facts.

17 DISCRIMINATION  Definition: to make distinctions on the basis of preference; acting on prejudice.

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