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Amphibians Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum Vertebrates Class: Amphibians Examples- frogs, toads, salamanders newts.

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Presentation on theme: "Amphibians Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum Vertebrates Class: Amphibians Examples- frogs, toads, salamanders newts."— Presentation transcript:


2 Amphibians

3 Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum Vertebrates Class: Amphibians Examples- frogs, toads, salamanders newts

4 The Link Amphibians are the link between aquatic fish & terrestrial animals. Amphibians -> Reptiles Have adaptations to move habitat from water to land “Amphibian” means “double life”

5 Aquatic Ties Larvae Gills Tails Algae eaters Herbivores Moist skin Will suffocate if can’t get rid of CO 2 and receive O 2 Adult Must lay eggs in H 2 O Lack outer shell

6 Costa Rica-Tree Frog Eggs

7 Terrestrial Ties Adults Lungs + Moist skin Legs Carnivores Insects/other amphibians More efficient heart

8 Evolution of an Amphibian 360 million years ago Evolved from lobed-fin fish Bones in pectoral (forearms) and pelvic fins (hind legs) Homologous structures Leg bones-stronger To support the body’s weight

9 Evolution of an Amphibian 1. Formation of rib cage protects internal organs

10 Evolution of an Amphibian 2. Lateral line (vibrations in H 2 O) evolved into Tympanic membrane (vibrations in air)

11 Evolution of an Amphibian 3. Eyelids & nictitating membrane Act like goggles for protection keep moisture in

12 Evolution of an Amphibian 4. Nares-detect air borne scents 5. 1 st amphibians on earth were large Due to no competition for food As the # of vertebrates on land went up/there was more competition for food, the smaller ones were the ones to survive

13 Traits of Amphibians 1. Metamorphosis- Meta = many Morphosis = change form Aquatic larvae goes through many changes to become a terrestrial adult

14 Traits of Amphibians 2. Cold-blooded-ectotherms Use environment to regulate temperature

15 Traits of Amphibians 3. External fertilization- Need H 2 O Jelly-coated Eggs No shells

16 Traits of Amphibians 4. Feet, if present, lack claws Often webbed

17 Traits of Amphibians 5. Moist porous skin Cutaneous Respiration In O 2 & H 2 O thru skin Out CO 2 & H 2 O thru skin

18 Traits of Amphibians 6. Also respire or also breath thru a pair of internal lungs.

19 Number of species 4500 different species of amphibians

20 Order Anura Means: tailless 3800 species of frogs & toads Lay jelly-coated eggs in H 2 O Tadpoles- compact bodies Tongue sticky, long

21 Let us watch…..

22 Anura Frog Smooth skin Jump= powerful hind legs Jump Live near H 2 O Toad Rough bumpy skin Poisonous glands Only walk Live on land (moist)

23 Poisonous Cane Toad Introduced as “pest management” for beetles and other insects but know are breeding out of control and due to poisonous skin are killing farm animals and pets that eat them.

24 Urodela 400 different species= salamanders& newts Long tails Elongated bodies Moist skin 4 limbs Lives in moist area Lay eggs in H 2 O Worldwide- except Australia


26 Apoda or Gymnophiona “legless” amphibians 160 species Ex/Caecilians 12” long Resembles a snake Lives in the tropics in dirt/soil Eat Insects Rarely seen~ borrows in soil

27 Caecilian:

28 Life of a Frog (Metamorphosis) Larvae (fish-like) Gills Fin-like tail 2 chamber heart like a fish Closed system 1 loop Primarily herbivores

29 Life of a Frog (Metamorphosis) Adult Lungs Legs Closed system 3 chamber heart 2 loop system Primarily carnivores

30 External covering/moist skin -two jobs 1. Respiration (cutaneous) thin, moist skin-if skin dries suffocation b/c increase CO 2 Most active @ night- cooler, more moisture Mucus glands- more moisture

31 2. Protection Some poisonous Most secrete a foul tasting substance Skin-camouflaging Blends in with environment


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