Spatial and Temporal Analysis: San Antonio Burglaries 2003-2004 Neo Geo Spatial Detectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial and Temporal Analysis: San Antonio Burglaries 2003-2004 Neo Geo Spatial Detectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial and Temporal Analysis: San Antonio Burglaries 2003-2004 Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

2 SCOPE: San Antonio city limits (412 square miles) Burglaries of vehicles and habitations Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

3 Objective: Through the analysis of hot spots within “journey to crime”, determine any spatial, temporal or economic patterns in relation to burglaries committed within San Antonio’s city limits. Identify and locate any detractors of crime. Predict areas likely to experience spatial displacement as a result of increased policing in current hot spots. Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

4 Previous Study: Conducted in Boston, MA Offender Residence Probability Surface Probability Value = Density Value x Area of Search Circle/ Total Offender Residences Gore, Richard Z., April Pattavina. “Applications for Examining the Journey-to-Crime Using Incident-Based Offender Residence Probability Surface.” Police Quarterly 7, no. 4 (December 2004): 457- 474.

5 DATA Types of data county / city boundary road networks census / demographic / crime data police stations / schools / neighborhood associations Sources of data San Antonio Police Dept. U.S. Census Bureau Tigerfiles Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

6 Demographic Data Road Network Location of Crimes Residence of Criminals Geocode City/County Boundaries “Detractor” Points Import ArcGIS Layers Project to NAD83 Study Area Cluster Analysis Hot Spots Join Tables Raster Calculator Spatial/Temporal/Economic Patterns Schools/Police Stations Overlay “Crime Detractors” Analysis Recommendations to Police Department and Susceptible Neighborhoods w/in current hot spots Calculate Distance Generate Offender Residential Probability Surface

7 HoursHourly Pay Totals Data Collection (10 hours/week * 3 weeks* 4 Consultants) + (5 hours/week * 3 weeks * 2 Consultants) = 150 hours $35 $5,250 Data Analysis(10 hours/week * 5 weeks * 4 Consultants) + ( 6 hours/week * 5 weeks * 2 Consultants) = 260 hours $45 $11,700 System Management Project Manager = 60 hours Assistant Project Manager = 48 hours Web Developer = 32 hours $60 $50 $45 $3,600 $2,400 $1,440 Equipment Costs Supplies ($150/workstation * 4 workstations) Maintenance ($200/workstation * 4 workstations) Depreciation ($13,500 [total value of equipment]/24 (equipment life in months) * 2.5 (months equipment will be in exclusive use for project) $600 $800 $1,406.25 Data Crime Data ($5/report * 5,000 reports) All other data Software license for 9 weeks $25,000 FREE $1,500 Travel 100 miles @ $.40/mile $40.00 Total $57,336.25 Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

8 Data Collection Pre-Processing Data Analysis Data Interpretation Web Page FebruaryMarchApril 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

9 FINAL DELIVERABLES: Professional map Detailed report Project website 2 CDs containing: –All data –Metadata –Detailed report –Professional map –Power Point presentation –Read me text file Detailed instructions on how to utilize the CD Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

10 Conclusion: Determine correlation between the distances from a criminals dwelling and the type of crime committed by the individual Determine areas of deficiency within patrol districts and help illustrate any common trends in San Antonio Identify any temporal patterns that may emerge from month to month Compare our findings to recent “Journey to Crime” studies, in order to determine any similarities Generate an Offender Residence Probability Surface Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

11 Participation: Michelle Campbell: Compilation of proposal and introduction Christopher Douthit: Data sections and analysis Justin Fletcher: Introduction and literature review Matt Gray: Logo design and consequences Christopher Jurica: Budget, timetable, final deliverables, and Power Point presentation Neo Geo Spatial Detectives

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