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* Studied architecture, anatomy, mathematics, sculpture, painting, poetry, literature, botany, music, geology, hydraulics * Technique: sfumato-- smoky.

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Presentation on theme: "* Studied architecture, anatomy, mathematics, sculpture, painting, poetry, literature, botany, music, geology, hydraulics * Technique: sfumato-- smoky."— Presentation transcript:


2 * Studied architecture, anatomy, mathematics, sculpture, painting, poetry, literature, botany, music, geology, hydraulics * Technique: sfumato-- smoky or hazy quality in painting

3 * Kept all ideas in notebook * Human anatomy, water, machinery * Always experimenting * Left much work unfinished -- easily drawn to new ideas & unsatisfied with results

4 * The Last Supper * mural painting in the dining hall. * Composition centered on Jesus' head * All lines lead from his face...reverse direction and return to him. * Oil, varnish, and pigments not suited to the wall * Apostles arranged in threes


6 * Mona Lisa -- oil on panel * New portrait format -- full torso with hands and arms pictured * Three-quarters of the figure = more natural * Dramatic background * 16 years to complete


8 * Sistine Chapel - - sculptural painting style * (145 pictures; 4 years)


10 * Biblical Narratives depicting 9 stories of creation * The Separation of Light & Darkness * The Creation of the Sun, Moon & Earth * The Separation of Land & Water

11 * The Creation of Adam * The Creation of Eve * The Temptation and Expulsion * The Sacrifice of Noah * The Great Flood * The Drunkenness of Noah






17 * Panels featuring the 5 sybils said to have prophesied the birth of Christ: * Prophetic women who were resident at shrines or temples throughout the classical world. * Lybian Sybil, Persian Sybil, Cumaean Sybil, Erythraean Sybil,Delphic Sybil


19 * Panels featuring seven prophets of Israel * 4 major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel


21 3 minor prophets:Joel, Zechariah, and Jonah

22 * Sculpture… * Mary mourns over the body of Christ. * Mary oversized to draw attention to the religious meaning of the event instead of Mary’s struggle to support the weight of Christ’s body.


24 * David

25 * Used soft colors, simple circular forms, and gentle landscapes in his paintings * Learned from Leonardo and Michelangelo

26 * Depiction of one of the four domains of learning in rooms of the Vatican Palace. * Domains of learning: theology, philosophy, law, and the arts * Depicts Plato and Aristotle


28 * Compositional tension within a tondo format: circular painting * Lifelike skin * Balanced use of hue…duller hues in background, gradual change from light to dark hues.


30 * Sofonisba Anguissola * First Italian woman to gain a world- wide reputation as artist * Joined the court of King Phillip II of Spain and painted portraits. * Double Portrait of a Boy and Girl of the Attavanti Family * Oil on Panel * Contemplative expression on the boy’s face


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