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Diffusive shock acceleration: an introduction

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1 Diffusive shock acceleration: an introduction
Michał Ostrowski Astronomical Observatory Jagiellonian University

2 Particle acceleration in the interstellar medium
Inhomogeneities of the magnetized plasma flow lead to energy changes of energetic charged particles due to electric fields E = u/c  B compressive discontinuities: shock waves tangential discontinuities and velocity shear layers - MHD turbulence B = B0 + B u B

3 Tycho X-ray picture from Chandra

4 Supernova remnant Dem L71
X-ray H-alpha Supernova remnant Dem L71

5 Cas A 1-D shock model for „small” CR energies from Chandra

6 Schematic view of the collisionless shock wave
( some elements in the shock front rest frame, other in local plasma rest frames ) u1 u2 E 0 thermal plasma v~10 km/s v~1000 km/s CR B d shock front layer upstream downstream

7 rg,CR >> rg(E*i) ~ 10 9-10 cm ~ d (for B ~ a few G)
Particle energies downstream of the shock evaluated from upstream-downstream Lorentz transformation for where A = mi/mH and u = u1-u2 >> vs,1 upstream sound speed Cosmic rays (suprathermal particles) E >> E*i rg,CR >> rg(E*i) ~ cm ~ d (for B ~ a few G) how to get particles with E>>E*i - particle injection problem

8 Modelling the injection process by PIC simulations. For electrons,
see e.g., Hoshino & Shimada (2002) shock detailes vx,i/ush vx,e/ush |ve|/ush Ey Bz/Bo x x/(c/pe)

9 suprathermal electrons
Maxwellian I-st order Fermi acceleration

10 Diffusive shock acceleration: rg >> d
shock compression R  u1/u2 I order acceleration where u = u1-u2 in the shock rest frame Compressive discontinuity of the plasma flow leads to acceleration of particles reflecting at both sides of the discontinuity: diffusive shock acceleration (I-st order Fermi)

11 To characterize the accelerated particle spectrum one needs
information about: „low energy” normalization (injection efficiency) spectral shape (spectral index for the power-law distribution) 3. upper energy limit (or acceleration time scale)

12 CR scattering at magnetic field perturbations (MHD waves)
Development of the shock diffusive acceleration theory Basic theory: Krymsky 1977 Axford, Leer and Skadron 1977 Bell 1978a, b Blandford & Ostriker 1978 Acceleration time scale, e.g.: Lagage & Cesarsky parallel shocks Ostrowski oblique shocks Non-linear modifications (Drury, Völk, Ellison, and others) Drury 1983 (review of the early work)

13 . Energetic particles accelerated at the shock wave:
kinetic equation for isotropic part of the dist. function f(t, x, p) plasma advection spatial diffusion adiabatic compression momentum diffusion; „II order Fermi acceleration” . I order: <p>/p ~ U/v ~ 10 -2 II order: <p>/p ~ (V/v)2 ~ 10 –8 if we consider relativistic particles with v ~ c cf. Schlickeiser 1987

14 Diffusive acceleration at stationary planar shock
propagating along the magnetic field: B || x-axis; „parallel shock” outside the shock + continuity of particle density and flux at the shock f=f(p)

the phase-space Distribution of shock accelerated particles particles injected at the shock background particles advected from - INDEPENDENT ON ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT LOCAL CONDITIONS NEAR THE SHOCK Momentum distribution:

16 test particle non-relativistic
Spectral index depends ONLY on the shock compression adiabatic index shock Mach number For a strong shock (M>>1): R = 4 and  =   = 2.0 (for CR dominated shock:   4/ R  7.0 and   3.5) Spectral shape nearly parameter free, with the index  very close to the values observed or anticipated in real sources. Diffusive shock acceleration theory in its simplest test particle non-relativistic version became a basis of most studies considering energetic particle populations in astrophysical sources.

17 Acceleration time scale at parallel shock
for returning particles For a „cycle”: shock Minimum of tacc: Bohm

18 A few numbers for a (SNR-like) shock wave
B ~ 10 G ,  ~ rg , u = 1000 km/s (=108 cm/s) tSNR ~ 104 yr For a particle energy E = 1 MeV electron (rg ~ cm , v ~ 1010 cm/s) tacc ~ 102 s proton (rg ~ 1011 cm , v ~ 109 cm/s) tacc ~ 104 s ~ 0.1 day E = 1 GeV rg ~ 1012 cm , v ~ cm/s tacc ~ 106 s ~ 0.1 AU ~ 1 month E = 1 PeV (= 1015 eV) rg ~ 1018 cm , v ~ cm/s tacc ~ s ~ 1 pc ~ 105 yr E= 1 EeV (=1018 eV) rg ~ 1021 cm , v ~ cm/s tacc ~ s ~ 1 kpc ~ 108 yr

19 perpendicular oblique parallel

20 Oblique magnetic fields 0
reflection B2 > B1 transmission B1 shock For uB,1 << v the spectral index is the same as at parallel shocks ! However tacc can be substantially modified

21 1 

22 The absolute minimum acceleration time scale
(outside the diffusive approximation) at quasi-perpendicular shock waves with   90

23 for Ew – energy density of Alfvén waves with k~2/rg(p) per log p
Non-linear modifications of the acceleration process A. Self-induced scattering (Bell 1978) Wave generation due to streaming instability upstream of the shock for Ew – energy density of Alfvén waves with k~2/rg(p) per log p damping coefficient CR density growth rate decaying growing

24 (two fluid approximation: g + CR)
B. Modification of the shock structure by CR precursor (two fluid approximation: g + CR) is included into the Euler equation: and the resulting velocity profile u(x) into CR kinetic equation Possible efficient acceleration: in the two fluid model up to 98% of the shock kinetic energy can be converted into CRs !

25 M = 2 Pg u From Drury & Völk 1981 – weak shock (two fluid model) Pg
precursor subshock Pcr Velocity profile

26 M = 13 Pg u Efficient acceleration in a strong shock (two fluid model)

27 Conclusions from non-linear computations:
c. Three fluid model – gas + CRs + waves wave damping heats gas, wave distribution defines  Conclusions from non-linear computations: CRs can produce perturbations required for efficient acceleration possible efficient acceleration at high Mach shocks spectrum flattening at high CR energies a value of the upper energy cut-off important for shock modification (divergent energy spectra at high energies) - test particle spectra only an approximation for real shocks

28 I and II order acceleration at parallel shocks
(with isotropic alfvénic turbulence) plasma beta (  Pg/PB ) Alfvén velocity (Ostrowski & Schlickeiser 1993)

29 Our knowledge of acceleration processes acting at non-relativistic
shocks is still very limited. There are basic problems with energetic particle injection processes (electrons !) existence of stationary solutions for efficient shock acceleration description of processes forming or reprocessing MHD turbulence near the shock the time dependent solutions the upper energy cut-offs, when compared with measurements CR electron spectral indices observed in objects like SNRs etc.

30 Problems to be solved are usually difficult, often being
highly non-linear and/or 3D and/or non-stationary. Progress in studies of the diffusive shock acceleration is very slow since an initial rapid theory developement in late seventies and early eighties of last century.

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