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Paul Mundy Managing emails Controlling the flood.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Mundy Managing emails Controlling the flood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Mundy Managing emails Controlling the flood

2 Sort your emails Read and delete Send it on for them to handle Have standard replies to questions Refer people to a weblink Review and determine if action needed No action required? Delete it Need to save it? Move it to archive folder Move it to an “Answer this” folder. Deal with it during the time set to answer emails. Top priority! Emails related to projects or known deadlines. Go through this folder to make sure you are on top of things. Forward to someone else Move to “Answer this” folder Move to “Do this” folder

3 Set times to review and answer emails 30 minutes in morning to review 90 minutes later on to answer

4 Use Outlook shortcuts Quick Access toolbarSearchQuick Steps Favorites Archive folders One per project

5 Turn off the flow Turn off notifications to social media sites Visit sites on a schedule

6 Sources and more information The Rapid eLearning Blog. A time-saving tip to manage your emails, 27 Aug 2013.

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