Marie Lyne Tremblay, Chief Presentation to ENERGY STAR ® Participants May 2005 Energy Innovators Initiative (EII) For Existing Buildings.

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Presentation on theme: "Marie Lyne Tremblay, Chief Presentation to ENERGY STAR ® Participants May 2005 Energy Innovators Initiative (EII) For Existing Buildings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Lyne Tremblay, Chief Presentation to ENERGY STAR ® Participants May 2005 Energy Innovators Initiative (EII) For Existing Buildings

2  About the Energy Innovators Initiative (EII)  Financial Incentives  Planning Activities (P)  Implementation Projects (3)  Equipment Bonus  Results  Tips for ENERGY STAR ® Participants  Questions? Energy Innovators Initiative Presentation Highlights

3 The OEE’s Buildings Division  EII – Energy Innovators Initiative for existing buildings  CBIP – Commercial Buildings Incentive Program for new buildings  IBIP – Industrial Buildings Incentive Program for new industrial buildings  FBI – Federal Buildings Initiative  FHIO – Federal House in Order  Communities File Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Buildings Division

4 Energy Innovators Initiative (EII)  Market transformation program encourages energy efficiency improvements in existing commercial and institutional buildings.  More than 2200 Innovators across the country representing about 30% of commercial/institutional floor space  Does not provide on-site technical advice and cannot recommend specific equipment or service providers  Works with a network of partners and service providers across Canada Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Introduction

5 Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII 2004-05 Partners

6 Benefits of Membership  Energy Retrofit Assistance (ERA) funding for retrofit planning and projects  EII staff person assigned to work with clients as they pursue energy savings  Personalized, mounted membership certificate  Opportunities for clients to win awards and to promote achievements as an “Energy Innovator”  Other building resources and publications Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Benefits

7 Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Publications  Program Brochures  Case Studies  Benchmarking/Best Practice Guides  Technical Fact Sheets  Others 74 EII Titles

8 EII Funding Energy Retrofit Assistance (ERA) Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives ERA Overview  Encourages owners and managers of commercial businesses and public institutions to invest in their existing buildings  Encourages the implementation of multiple measures at the same time using a holistic approach  Offers special consideration for Northern, Aboriginal, rural and remote communities  Offers complementary funding with organizations such as Hydro-Quebec and BC Hydro

9 Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives Eligible Organizations Commercial Sector Examples: Airports Hotels/Restaurants Office Buildings Multi-unit Residential buildings Athletic facilities Retail Warehouses Other Institutional Sector Examples: Colleges School Boards Provincial Government Municipal Government Health Care Non-Government Organizations Universities Other Utilities, consultants and manufacturing facilities are not eligible.

10 Energy Retrofit Assistance (P) for Retrofit Planning Activities Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives ERA (P)  Energy audits  Feasibility studies  Energy management plans  Other project facilitation services 50% of eligible costs up to 1$ per GJ of energy consumption to a maximum of $25,000

11 Energy Retrofit Assistance (3) for Retrofit Implementation Projects Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives ERA (3)  Project development and management  Capital costs  Monitoring and tracking systems  EII-approved staff training and employee awareness programs $7.50 per GJ saved up to of 25% of eligible costs to a maximum of $250,000

12 Equipment Bonus Supplementary Funding for ERA (3) Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives Equipment Bonus  To be launched later in 2005  Supplementary funding for targeted equipment that is proven and readily available, yet under-utilized  Eligible technologies (to be expanded in the future):  Boilers – High-efficiency condensing natural gas boilers and near-condensing natural gas boilers  Lighting – Premium-efficiency T-8 bulbs and ballasts and T-5 high-intensity lighting systems for high-bay applications

13 Steps Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives Steps to Apply 1 – Contact EII Officer or call 877 360-5500 2 – Letter to the Minister 3 – Prepare an action plan 4 – Submit your proposal 5 – Sign your contribution agreement 6 – Start your project

14 New Innovators Total Innovators 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1998-991990-002000-012001-022002-032003-042004-05 Energy Innovators Initiative Results Number of Innovators * As of March 2005

15 Planning/Facilitation Activities Implementation Projects 1998-20012001-022002-032003-042004-05 0 50 100 150 200 250 Energy Innovators Initiative Results Number of Projects * As of March 2005

16 Energy Innovators Initiative Results National Totals 236 6767 3939 314 9696 32 109 1919 131 1212 21 870 187 147 383 128 113 27 10 6 98 7 3 91 7 1 13 4 5 2 2 3 7 Innovators Planning/Facilitation Activities Implementation Projects 1313 1

17 Energy Innovators Initiative Results Projects per Sector * As of Jan 2005 School Boards 20% Health Care 20% Multi-Unit Residential 15% Universities/Colleges 13% Office Buildings 12% Retail and Shopping 8% Hotels and Restaurants 7% Non-Profit, Governments and Aboriginal 5%

18 Note: EII figures as of January 2005, CIBEUS figures as of 2000 GJ/m 2 Energy Innovators Initiative Results Energy Intensity

19 Energy Innovators Initiative Results Statistics 1 * As of Jan 2005 Market Transformation Funded Planning Activities

20 Funded Implementation Projects Energy Innovators Initiative Results Statistics 2 * As of Jan 2005

21 How You Can Work With The EII as an ENERGY STAR Participant Energy Innovators Initiative Advice Tips for Participants  Provincial governments, retailers and manufacturers can apply for funding for your own retail, warehouse or office buildings  Utilities and provincial governments can work with the EII through strategic alliances and complementary funding for shared clients  Member-based associations can apply to be “partners”  Equipment suppliers can promote yourselves directly to clients and service providers since the EII cannot recommend one product over another  All participants can promote the initiative and incentives to your commercial and institutional clients, stressing the implementation of multiple types of measures at one time

22 Energy Innovators Initiative Questions? E-mail: Toll-Free:(877) 360-5500 EII Internet: Buildings E-mail: Toll-Free:(877) 360-5500 EII Internet: Buildings Marie Lyne Tremblay

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