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Jinging in the Classroom Melanie Sangalli. Welcome to Jinging in the Classroom Jing is a multi-purpose instructional tool How can you use Jing to help.

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Presentation on theme: "Jinging in the Classroom Melanie Sangalli. Welcome to Jinging in the Classroom Jing is a multi-purpose instructional tool How can you use Jing to help."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jinging in the Classroom Melanie Sangalli

2 Welcome to Jinging in the Classroom Jing is a multi-purpose instructional tool How can you use Jing to help you in your workplace? Twitter hashtag: #jinging #tcea2011

3 Seriously… I have written that email… You want WHO to present to people about TECHNOLOGY???

4 On the right, my immediate family…

5 Jing The Good… Purpose: to provide one on one image, video, or screenshot feedback and conferencing with students To keep and record writing and growth throughout the year: an electronic portfolio Students get individualized and undivided attention, which rarely happens with live conferencing in class Students rarely understand all those cryptic marks in red on their class work – they understand this method

6 Jing (continued) Can be used and differentiated for ALL types of learners Can be used in a variety of modes Can be used any time in the writing process from rough draft to publishing or summative evaluation Students can hear their writing and communication from another voice and perspective

7 Jing (continued) This is one method of feedback the students LIKE They are digital natives and are auditory; they can remember this feedback and are more likely to implement it Jing improves their communication skills by listening to a fluent reader interpret or read their work

8 Jing (continued) Teachers can capture anything on the screen, record their voice for a mini- lesson, and have the student listen to it individually Examples: PowerPoints for absent students, homework, alternative assignments, tutorials; teacher to student one-on-one help or modeling Who does not need 5 minutes or more of uninterrupted teacher time and attention?

9 Jing at MacArthur HS Counselors – screenshots of course selection sheets Librarians – research and MLA process English teachers – essays, articles, photographs for analysis Art teachers – paintings, pictures, photographs Math teachers – tutorials on specific TEKS and concepts Geography teachers – maps Science teachers – lab instructions and tutorials “It’s not that we are tired, it’s that we are tired of saying the same thing over and over when we could be working smarter not harder.” (Blaine Mountain, English teacher)

10 Jing in the life of Melanie Remember the cartoons… My personal uses for Jing: o My daughter gives me tutorials for downloading music o My H & R Block agent reminds me which forms I need to fill out to maximize my return o My friend reminds me how the tv, dvr, and dvd remote can actually operate all 3 machines

11 Jing The Bad… Time consuming to perform 5 minute time limit for one session, but more than one Jing may take place Must be in a quiet place to record Must have internet access to send and listen to feedback

12 My Jing History See and listen to a Jing from my History: image and video examples Discuss student feedback and comments

13 Jing Download from: There are lots of tutorials, help, and FAQs on the Jing site Jing Pro is very reasonable, although the free version is quite effective

14 How to Jing… the process Capture the image you want Choose image or video version Watch your time – you have 5 minutes but can do more “Jings” Choose the Screencast icon, then copy and paste the link in an email to them, post it on Blackboard, etc.

15 Jing Away What do you have on your computer and in your documents that you want to Jing? Think about a lesson that is challenging, a PowerPoint, or modeling a specific skill for others. Individual practice: use this time to apply Jing to your own personal, classroom, or workplace needs

16 Jing Alternatives (web-based, requires Twitter account) CamStudio Copernicus (Mac only) (web-based) (web-based)

17 Jing – Wrap Up How will you use Jing successfully? Share with a partner. Volunteers to share with group. Comments and feedback about the process and implications for your profession Other questions about Jing?

18 Thank You! To provide any feedback, please feel free to email me at:

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