January 10, 2008. Meeting Topics Updates & Announcements Reminders & Observations Mechanics Review Play Situations Quote.

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Presentation on theme: "January 10, 2008. Meeting Topics Updates & Announcements Reminders & Observations Mechanics Review Play Situations Quote."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 10, 2008

2 Meeting Topics Updates & Announcements Reminders & Observations Mechanics Review Play Situations Quote

3 Reminders Use high school mechanics Warning Horns – verbally say “First Horn” Pre-game conference – involve the Umpire Don’t look up as Lead – look at mid-section. Trail needs to help by viewing play above the mid-section Trail needs to call fouls in his/her primary area even if the play is going towards the Lead. Don’t make the Lead “reach across” the 3-second lane to make the call in the Trail’s primary area. Non-verbal communication – avoid facial expressions that communicate disagreement with your partner’s call.

4 Backcourt Exceptions - Jump ball - Throw-in - Defensive play Only applies if you catch the ball with both feet in the air and your court location status was front court. You can then: - land in backcourt or - land with one foot in front court followed by the other in the backcourt.

5 Backcourt Situations You are NOT allowed to pass ball to another player in the backcourt while you are in the air. Play Situation - Team A has control in the frontcourt. A1’s pass is deflected by B1 and bounces off A2 into the backcourt. A1 hustles to retrieve ball. Is this backcourt?

6 Reminders No blocked shot signal Move to get better angles – Lead and Trail are becoming too stationary and can miss calls or no-calls when straight-lined Continuous Motion rule Traveling – must have a pivot foot and control of ball to call a travel Illegal Numbers Coaching Box

7 Intentional Foul Intentional Foul – 2 shots plus the ball. Resume play at spot of foul if you have an intentional personal foul. Resume play at division line opposite table if you have an intentional technical foul. If the intentional is the 7 th team foul do you shoot the 1-1 bonus free throws and 2 shots?

8 Play Situation Situation – Held ball is called. Team A has the AP arrow. A7 subs for A3. A1 has ball for throw-in. Table sounds horn. Officials learn that A7, who subbed after the held ball was called, is not in the scorebook. Ruling - Technical foul – Player or Team? -Indirect to coach? -How/Where do we resume play -Does arrow change?

9 Saving Ball Situations Player A2 in attempting to save a pass from going out of bounds along the side line: Situation #1 - A2 tips the ball onto the playing court, steps out of bounds, returns to the court and is the first to possess the ball. A2 then starts a dribble. Legal?? Situation #2 - A2 tips the ball onto the playing court, steps out of bounds, returns to the court and is the first to touch the ball by starting a dribble. Legal??

10 Saving Ball Situations Situation #3 - A2 controls the ball and tosses it onto the playing court, steps out of bounds, returns to the court and is the first to touch and dribbles. Legal?? Situation #4 - A2 controls the ball and tosses it onto the playing court, steps out of bounds, returns to the court and is the first to gain control of the ball. A2 then starts a dribble. Legal??

11 Closely Guarded Situation 2005 IAABO Refresher Exam - Question 22 A-1 is holding the ball in the front court and is closely guarded by B-1. As the official count is at two, A-2 takes and holds a position between A-1 and B-1. Official discontinues the 5 second closely guarded violating count. Is the official correct. Answer by IAABO was Yes. NFHS Ruling as of Jan 8, 2008 - Answer is NO. The closely guarded count continues. 4.10; 4.23; 9.10.1; CB 9.10.1

12 No Long Switch Yes, you switch on all player-control fouls. When no long switch? – ball must be in backcourt and there is no change of possession. – must still report foul in the reporting box

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16 Foul Mechanics...at the spot  Two procedures to discourage: “Hit and run” officiating... Blow the whistle and immediately leave the area! Hand in air with two fingers for number of shots  more concerned with number of shots rather than who is shooting  Anyone in the building can tell you the number of shots...only the person making the call may know who is shooting 16

17 Blocked Shot Situations A1 attempts a try for goal: Situation #1 – B2 applies hand to the ball while ball is still in A1’s hand. A1 returns to the floor with ball. Ruling?? Situation #2 – A1’s attempt is released and is 5 inches away for A1’s hand. B2 blocks A1’s attempt, which is then retrieved by A1 while still in the air. A1 returns to the floor with the ball. Ruling?? Situation #3 – B2 rises with A1 but does not apply hand to the ball. A1 drops the ball to the floor. A1 retrieves the ball. Ruling??

18 30 or 60-second time out positions with free throws to follow. 18

19 30 or 60-second time out positions when throw-in spot is in bench/table area 19

20 Timeout Procedures  Official with “line” responsibility takes ball to location where play will resume  Position ball on body to indicate direction of play 20

21 Summary Thoughts We make many decisions even when we do not blow the whistle. We must decide quickly. It is a challenge every night. We are damn good!

22 Quote I’m always ready to learn, although I do not always like to be taught. Source – Winston Churchill

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