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Facilitation  The TAB Facilitation Process and Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitation  The TAB Facilitation Process and Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitation  The TAB Facilitation Process and Techniques

2 The Art of Facilitation At the conclusion of this module you will know:  The TAB board meeting structure.  How to integrate new members.  How to maintain the vitality of your boards.  How the first board meeting is different.  How to manage the board’s group dynamics.  Identify signs of resignation and what to do.

3 Group and Board Dynamics

4 Group Dynamics

5 TABenos

6 TABenos Guard  Cover the TABenos list with all new board members.  Appoint a TABenos guard at every meeting.

7 The TAB Meeting Process

8 Days to Hold TAB Meetings SunMonTuesWedThursFriSat 123456 78910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 = Best Days

9 Hosting a Board Meeting  Members take turns hosting board meetings:  At their location  At a nearby location  At another member’s location  Hosts provide the refreshments.  Hosts conduct a tour of their facilities.

10 Meeting Handouts  Meeting agenda  Roster of current members  Meeting evaluation form  Name tags or tents  TABenos list  Other information for the meeting  Private coaching session calendar  Meeting calendar

11 The Meeting Agenda  Opening  Brief updates  Member presentations of challenges and opportunities in time slices  Present  Get clarification  Explore possibilities  Common topic (optional)  Closing

12 Meeting Opening Start on Time Start at the announced time!  Start even with one member.  Always come prepared with a topic for discussion until the majority of members are in attendance.  Read from the Tips from the Top ® newsletter.  Bring an article on a business topic.  Plan up to fifteen minutes on a topic.

13 Meeting Opening Confidentiality  Emphasize at every meeting. Members welcome hearing this reinforced.  Guests sign a non-disclosure agreement.  Avoid mentioning issues or stories of members on other boards by name or other identification.  Relate insightful issues that require openness and honesty about yourself.  You lead the way!

14 Meeting Opening Time Slice  Allow 40 minutes for opening, break, and closing.  Divide balance of time by # of members present.  Verify time allotted is sufficient. If any member needs extra time, ask for 1-3 minutes from each.

15 Brief Updates Each member gives a two minute overview of what has happened in their business since the last board meeting.

16 Member’s Presentation Process Overview  Member presents a challenge or opportunity.  Other members ask clarifying questions.  Together members explore possibilities.  Facilitator adds input, concludes and summarizes.

17 Member’s Presentation Challenge or Opportunity  Have members present their challenge or opportunity.  You should know their topic from your coaching sessions or a phone call.  They may change the topic based on a more urgent situation.

18 Member’s Presentation Clarification The other members ask questions to clarify the challenge or opportunity.  Industry jargon may need interpretation or clarification.  History or relationships may need to be understood.  What have you done so far?  Questioning helps get to the real issue.

19 Member’s Presentation Explore Possibilities  Begin by acknowledging those who have suggestions.  Then call on all the others, time permitting.  Be sure to call on the “quiet ones.”  Some of the suggestions may need clarification.

20 Member’s Presentation Facilitator Input  Add to the discussion only after all members have contributed if:  Further clarification of an issue is needed.  You have additional input.  The goal is to seek breadth and diversity of ideas from the board.  Speak from your own experience whenever possible.

21 Member’s Presentation Facilitator Input Lessons Learned

22 Member’s Presentation Bringing to Conclusion When the member’s time is coming to an end:  Say, “We have time for one more answer or suggestion.”  Announce that you are running out of time and would like to summarize the results of the topic at hand.

23 Member’s Presentation Summarize & Close  At the close of each member’s time:  Summarize or ask the member to summarize the results of the discussion.  Help the member have a clearer understanding of thoughts or ideas presented to them.  Ask the member how he/she feels about the discussion.  Ask for commitment to action.  Point out valuable conclusions for other members’ use.

24 Agenda Control  If the meeting is moving away from the agenda, bring everyone back to the original discussion.  If the change of direction appears to be a topic of interest to the board, announce the direction change and ask their approval to: – Continue on the new direction. – Spend time on the topic later in the meeting. – Spend time on the topic at next meeting.

25 Taking Notes  Take facilitator notes at each TAB Meeting.  Do not share your notes with the members.

26 Closing the TAB Meeting  Compliment members on their participation.  Make sure all members have scheduled a time for their coaching session on your schedule.  Always conduct the “TAB Go Around.”  Ask each member what he/she got out of the meeting.

27 Closing the TAB Meeting  Confirm who will host the next meeting and all the logistics.  Remind members to fill out their Meeting Evaluation Forms and fax them directly to TAB corporate.  You may ask for referrals at the end of the meeting.

28 Accountability  Holding their feet to the fire.  Record all the commitments made by each member.  List the commitments on next months agendas

29 Maintain Meeting Vitality

30 Maintain Vitality Member’s Guest Member SBL Spotlight Topic-Generated Meeting Guest Speakers Facilitator Presentation Article or Book Review Short Video Business Exercises

31 Member SBL Spotlight Each member of the board will have the opportunity to make a formal presentation to the board on his/her:  SWOT, Vision, Critical Success Factors  Financial plan  Plans for expansion, merger, sale, succession  Any other formalized presentation  About 60 minutes

32 Topic-Generated Meeting  Many business topics can be universally discussed with any board.  Advise the board a month in advance about the topic to be featured.  Allow members to approve the topic  Gives members time to prepare for it.  Ask them to bring their own examples.

33 Topic-Generated Meeting  Allow 30 to 60 minutes for the topic.  Share information on the topic that members are using or applying in their companies.  Discuss how they can implement information on the topic in their business.  Lead the way in identifying valuable topics.  They don’t know what they don’t know!

34 Member’s Guest SunMonTuesWed Thurs FriSat 123456 78910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 Set board’s potential expectations for next meeting.

35 Guest Speakers  If the board is interested in a particular business topic that requires specific expertise, a guest expert may be invited to speak at the start of the meeting or at the optional luncheon.  Be sure they sign the Non-Disclosure.

36 Guest Advisors  You may have a potential member attend the meeting.  Be sure you are prepared and your members are prepared.  Be sure your guest advisor is prepared.  They must sign the Non-Disclosure.

37 The First TAB Board Meeting

38 The first TAB board meeting is different.  Begin to establish meeting structure and standards.  Spend time learning about each other.  Cover at least one common topic if out of time.  Future meetings will focus on presentations of challenges/opportunities.

39 Starting the Meeting  Begin on time!  Welcome them.  Thank them for their attendance.  Remind them of their confidentiality agreement.

40 Explaining the Process  Distribute and Explain Handouts:  Agenda, Roster, Meeting Evaluation Form, Private Coaching Session Scheduling Form  Explain Meeting Process:  Time Slices  Meeting Variations  Guest Speakers, Facilitator Presentations, Topic- Generated, Member SBL Spotlights

41 Describing Expectations  Describe a participative TAB member.  Offers their experiences to others.  Offers their opinion, even if they are not familiar with a particular challenge or opportunity.  Asks questions to get to the real issue if a member has not articulated it clearly.  Remind them  There are no incorrect responses.  Not offering a response is not fair to the board.

42 Personal Introductions Individual Time Slices  Member’s History  Member’s Long Term Goals  History of the Business  Long Term Goals for the Business  Current Challenges  Why they joined TAB

43 Common Topic  If needed  Set aside 20 minutes  Discuss one topic of common interest  Job descriptions  Planning process  Marketing  Today's economy

44 Conclusion of TAB Meeting  Conduct the “TAB Go Around”.  Invite comments on the meeting. I Love TAB

45 The Art of Facilitation A Gratifying Experience

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