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Undergraduate Studies at Florida State University Karen L. Laughlin Dean, Undergraduate Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Undergraduate Studies at Florida State University Karen L. Laughlin Dean, Undergraduate Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Undergraduate Studies at Florida State University Karen L. Laughlin Dean, Undergraduate Studies

2 Our Mission Undergraduate Studies works to help each undergraduate student at Florida State University establish a strong educational foundation. 1.Serves as the academic home for most freshmen and sophomores. 2.Sponsors and directs a wide variety of programs designed to promote academic engagement, retention/degree completion, and overall academic success. 3.Supervises and monitors state- and university-wide degree requirements, including Liberal Studies, the writing requirement, and the multicultural requirement.

3 Accepted Freshman Class or FTIC Approx. 6000 FTIC (plus approx. 3000 transfers) Middle 50%: SAT 1760-1940; ACT 26-30 Middle 50%: High School GPA 3.8-4.3 The top quartile: HS GPA of 4.37, SAT 2000 and ACT 30 1 st year Retention Rate 92% (unofficial) 30% self-reported First Generation 89% participated in AP/IB/AICE/ Dual Enrollment 49% took Calculus in HS

4 State of Florida vs. FSU

5 Programs for FTICs: Transitioning and Developing Academic Independence Honors Program (approx. 650 students & 200+ lateral admits) Recruitment activities Honors Courses; Honors Medical/Legal Scholars Honors Housing in Landis Hall Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE) Summer Bridge (approx. 400 students a year) 1st Generation Economically Disadvantaged Tutoring and Designated CARE course offerings Freshman Interest Groups (approx. 1000 students this year) Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) 275 Freshmen and Sophomores

6 Living-Learning Communities 7 Learning Communities 427 Students Advising First Academic Advising First contact at Orientation Ongoing outreach efforts Centralized Decentralization

7 Independence Is Not Always Easy to Establish

8 Fostering Academic Progress, Engagement and Enrichment Advising First Academic Success Coaching (approx. 1500 FTICs and CARE Sophomores) Mapping Time to Degree Excess Credit

9 Academic Center for Excellence WJB Learning Studio: “Johnston Ground” Academic Consultations & Workshops Tutoring and Tutor Certification Academic Success Course SLS1122

10 Honors, Scholars and Fellows House Opened Spring 2014

11 Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement Student Council for Undergraduate Research and Creativity (SCURC) The Owl (Undergraduate Research Journal) – Undergraduate Research Opportunity (UROP) Global Scholars Graduate Research Consultants (GRC) Fall/Spring Research Symposium Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program

12 FSU Honors Program Ongoing Engagement Honors in the Major Honors Medallion Honors Student Association Honors Mentors Honors Delegates Honors Courses

13 Office of National Fellowships (ONF)

14 How do these programs impact FSU and the FSU Experience? Over the last few years our students have been awarded/named Rhodes Scholars/FinalistsTruman Scholars/Finalists Goldwater ScholarsFulbright Recipients Pickering Fellows Hollings Scholars NSF GRF RecipientsBoren Scholars Udall ScholarsPayne Fellows ONF, Honors, and CRE administered 50 undergraduate research & travel awards totaling over $159,000--from $250-$4000 each. 275 students enrolled in 2015-16 UROP; 200+ faculty projects posted so far. 99% retention of last year’s UROP participants. $1000 materials grants to UROP faculty mentors. Florida State University is one of the nation’s top research institutions for producing student Fulbright scholars,

15 FTIC Retention Rates 90% Threshold

16 Engagement Opportunities: What Faculty Can Do Foster research & encourage students to apply for research awards Teach Honors and E-Series courses Direct an Honors Thesis or DIS; Post a UROP research project; Engage a GRC Encourage students to apply for fellowships & assist with the process Teach in the Living Learning Communities

17 What Faculty Can Do cont. – Learn about our Liberal Studies – philosophy & discuss it with your students – Refer students as tutors and for academic consultations – Take attendance and give tests and quizzes on Thursdays and Fridays – Give assignments that strengthen writing, reasoning, research, and critical thinking skills – Remember that your syllabus is a contract with your students

18 Thank You Comments and Questions? For more information see

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