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Latin America Country Project World Cultural Geography 2 nd Quarter.

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1 Latin America Country Project World Cultural Geography 2 nd Quarter

2 Outline You will create a PowerPoint presentation covering the points of P.E.A.R.S. for your country Minimum of 7 slides. Maximum of 15 slides. You will send your completed PowerPoint to Due Date: Monday, November 17 th at 11:59 PM – Under Subject: “[country] by [your name]

3 P.E.A.R.S. P: Political. What kind of government exists? How is the government set up? Who is in charge? E: Economic. What kind of economic system exists? What does the country produce? What do people do for a living? A: Artistic. How do the people express themselves? Who are some famous artists/musicians? What kind of music/dance is popular? What are some famous works of art? R: Religious. What religion do people practice? Is there an official religion? What are some religious traditions practiced? S: Social. How are the people in your country unique? Do they have a particular dish they cook? What do the people do for fun? How do they communicate with each other? For example: What makes a Brazilian different from a Mexican?

4 Rubric Title Page (include flag and map) – 10 points Political – 10 points Economic – 10 points Artistic – 10 points Religious – 10 points Social – 10 points Bibliography (must include AT LEAST 3 sources) – 10 points Overall PowerPoint (is it stimulating, or just black and white?) – 10 points Presentation (are you just reading off your slides, or do you actually know your country?) – 20 points

5 Extra Points Extra points will be given if you bring in some sort of cultural representation. If you decide to bring food, IT MUST BE PACKAGED with ingredients and nutritional information.

6 Summary PowerPoint with at least 7 slides Presentation of PowerPoint Due November 17 th by 11:59 PM – Anything submitted later will receive -10 points a day Send to – Label the subject: “[country] by [your name] Presentation dates will be announced in class

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