1 1 Sustainable Energy for communities RENAISSANCE Concerto Coordinators’ meeting – 22 Oct. 2012 Sylvain Koch-Mathian CONCERTO - RENAISSANCE project Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Sustainable Energy for communities RENAISSANCE Concerto Coordinators’ meeting – 22 Oct. 2012 Sylvain Koch-Mathian CONCERTO - RENAISSANCE project Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Sustainable Energy for communities RENAISSANCE Concerto Coordinators’ meeting – 22 Oct. 2012 Sylvain Koch-Mathian CONCERTO - RENAISSANCE project Coordinator HESPUL

2 2 2 RENAISSANCE has demonstrated that ambitious energy efficiency goals coupled with a high contribution of renewable energy can achieved drastic reductions in conventional energy consumption (up to 70 %) at reasonable costs. Grand LyonZaragoza 21 news buildings : 660 dwellings 15,000 m² of offices New and refurbished social housing (resp. 616 & 196 dwellings) Refurbishment of a Public school New exhibition centre

3 3 3 3 Blocks (A, B, C): - 670 housing units - 15.000 sqm offices Renewable energy: 80% of RES for heating and DHW (woodfuel and solar thermal) 273 kWp PV systems Grand Lyon Energy performance: 50% compared to energy regulation in building (RT 2000)

4 4 4 Energy efficiency New and refurbished social housing (resp. 616 & 196 dwellings) Refurbishment of a Public school (1,000sqm) New exhibition centre (1,500sqm) RES PV: 55kWp Solar thermal: 730 sqm Heatpump: 256 kW Wood fuel boilers: 49 kW 4

5 5 5 RENAISSANCE R&D activities RTD activities addressed all phases of the construction process from planning, building design, construction, O&M to building usage:  Local and regional energy policies  Innovative eco-building solutions, built on with thermal simulations  Renewable energy sources (mainly wood fuel and photovoltaics)  Commercial and fiscal solutions such as ESCo  Socio-economic activities mainly focusing on inhabitants behaviour  Comprehensive monitoring to assess actual energy performance of buildings and to improve knowledge regarding energy efficiency  Trainings to strengthen the capacity of the professional

6 6 6 RENAISSANCE methodology  Avoiding disappropriation by building process stakeholders

7 7 7 RENAISSANCE methodology

8 8 8 RENAISSANCE Results Final Publication + 19 Cases studies

9 9 9 RENAISSANCE: Benefits for Grand Lyon (GL) Energy Policies RENAISSANCE, a catalyst for: Low Energy Standards for housing and offices in GL and Rhone-Alpes Region The new French Energy Regulation in Buildings (RT 2012) Pilot operation for the mainstreaming of energy efficient refurbishment operations for private housing Heating and cooling networks -> impulse a strategic vision regarding H&C networks (master plan).

10 10 Market penetration 1994 1998 2002 2006 Concerto Eco-buildings Technical components Thermie program 5° PCRD 4° PCRD 6° PCRD7° PCRD Research Technology demonstration Scale Smart Cities 2013 efficiency Renewables Metropolitain scale Sustainanble Energy in E.U. R&D framework programmes Urban scale Building integration

11 11 From CONCERTO to Smart City VIENNA Six European Cities : Amsterdam Copenhagen Genoa Hamburg Vienna Grand Lyon Industrial Partners Energy and Grid Companies Research Partners - > TRANSFORM project

12 12 Transition toward « smart cities » implies a heavy change of paradigm - > Description of the transformation process Improve insight on: Data generation and management Successful stakeholders process & citizen involvement Financial strategies and mechanisms Set up a multidisciplinary platform for local energy & smart city stakeholders TRANSFORM project objectives for Grand Lyon (1)

13 13 Demonstration area (Part Dieu district): operational transition action plan (quantitative and planned objectives, investment agenda etc...) TRANSFORM project objectives for Grand Lyon (2) Prefigure the GL Energy Master Plan

14 14 Thank you for your attention! Look forward to a sustainable Contact: sylvain.koch-mathian@hespul.org

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