National Center for Research Resources NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH T r a n s l a t I n g r e s e a r c h f r o m b a s i c d i s c o v e r y t o i m.

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1 National Center for Research Resources NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH T r a n s l a t I n g r e s e a r c h f r o m b a s i c d i s c o v e r y t o i m p r o v e d p a t I e n t c a r e FEDERATION AT NCRR: EXPERIENCE AND VALUE Elaine Collier, MD December 10, 2009

2 NCRR NCRR Experience Current  CTSA Consortium  Scientific Information System, NCRR  Enabling National Networking of Scientists and Resource Discovery Pending  NCRR CTSA Progress Report Q & A Dream  Participation of NCRR staff in collaborative activities with external orgnaizations

3 NCRR Clinical and Translational Science Awards  Strengthen Clinical Research as an academic discipline by creating a ‘home’ and a career structure.  Support clinical and translational researchers through provision of shared infrastructure and best practices.  Speed clinical and translational research through resource and data sharing.  Advance the safety and quality of research through adoption of good clinical practices and effective use of informatics and information technology.

4 NCRR CTSA: Building a National Consortium CT Currently 46 CTSA Sites Across the Country Newest Members 2009 Participating Institutions Members

5 NCRR CTSA Wiki  Number of Users – 2100  Federated Users – 580  Federated Institutions – 22  Feedback from users NO NIH Password change requests! YEA!!!! Now I can really use the system – not constantly figuring out how to get in!

6 NCRR NCRR Scientific Information System (SIS)  Electronic progress report submission system for NCRR large center-like grantees progress report summary data  XML/PDF submission format; web screen entry for some grantees  NCRR pulls NIH IMPAC and Commons data based on minimal input from grantee  Formats and prints data on NIH Form 2590 forms  Database of information for aggregate reports for internal use.

7 NCRR  160 institutions  27 Federated  Authenticate on NIH Commons for PI of grant to designate users  Users do not have NIH Commons Accounts  Users have NIHEXT accounts if not federated  Federated simply access for staff at institutions NCRR Scientific Information System (SIS)

8 NCRR  Users have NIHEXT accounts  Issues with NIHEXT accounts Use system approximately 3 months or less of year Password always lapse for next year IForgotMyPassword – don’t sign up; forget it exists next year and/or their questions and answers Turnover in staff at institutions for users NCRR Scientific Information System (SIS)

9 NCRR CTSA Progress Report Q & A  MANTIS site managed by Oregon Health and Sciences University  Another password for users of the SIS information system and the CTSA wiki!!!!  Another password for NCRR personnel!!  NCRR must access site with authentication to answer questions  Multiple part of NCRR: Program, IT, Grants Management  Used for approximately 6 months of year – so access

10 NCRR ARRA Limited Competition RFA: Enabling National Networking of Scientists and Resource Discovery RFA-RR-09-009 Purpose:  To develop, enhance, or extend infrastructure to facilitate national discovery of individuals and resources to support biomedical research  Includes a diversity of institutions (in size, technology sophistication, geography, racial/ethnic culture) ensuring broad use and impact  Distributed (non-centralized) approach Mechanism of Support:  Resource-Related Research Projects Cooperative Agreement (U24) Funds Available  $30 million over two years

11 NCRR Research Networking Award  VIVO - Mike Conlon, PI University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Washington University, St Louis, MO Weill-Cornell Medical College, NY, NY The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA Ponce Medical School, Ponce, PR

12 NCRR Resource Discovery Grant Awarded  eagle-i - Lee Nadler, PI  Harvard University Oregon Health & Science University Dartmouth College Jackson State University Montana State University Morehouse School of Medicine University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Hawaii Manoa University of Puerto Rico

13 What will the National Network Do? Provide scientists’ interests, activities and accomplishments Identify current work Find scientists with precision and veracity Group colleagues, maps, networks, lineages, publications, … Support collaboration with existing and emerging tools Simplify reporting tasks Route information based on interests

14 National Center for Research Resources NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH T r a n s l a t I n g r e s e a r c h f r o m b a s i c d i s c o v e r y t o i m p r o v e d p a t I e n t c a r e National Center for Research Resources Accelerating and enhancing research from basic discovery to improved patient care

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