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Risk Assessment. List the possible risks to the performer in a sport of your choice (select a venue too) Why is it important for you to be aware of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Assessment. List the possible risks to the performer in a sport of your choice (select a venue too) Why is it important for you to be aware of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Assessment

2 List the possible risks to the performer in a sport of your choice (select a venue too) Why is it important for you to be aware of the need to risk assess? Explain what is meant by ‘risk control’? Key Questions… Risk Assessment

3 Imagine you were leading a Sports Leaders session on the netball courts, but without a teacher there because you are in charge It would be very important for you to know what the potential risks to the participants are. But why?

4 Why perform a risk assessment? So that you know what may cause an injury in the area you are using. To ensure the potential for that injury to occur is reduced. It will allow you to plan your session with these risks in mind. The risk assessment may prove that it’s not worth it! (Too dangerous) Insurance cover (all school trips are risk assessed) As a leader you must be aware of all risks!

5 Today You are going to risk assess a Leadership session. Using the risk assessment handout, you must note down anything you believe to be a risk to the pupils you will be leading. Work with a partner Front of PE block > changing rooms > route to netball courts > netball courts Common sense is essential, or you will return to the classroom. An example…

6 We will complete this section when we get back List as many as you identify Tuesday 23 rd Feb

7 List the possible risks to the performer in a sport of your choice (select a venue too) Why is it important for you to be aware of the need to risk assess? Explain what is meant by ‘risk control’? Key Questions… Risk Assessment

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