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 What do you know about Volcanoes ?  Are Volcanoes responsible for forming Islands or do Islands form first then Volcanoes develop on them?

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Presentation on theme: " What do you know about Volcanoes ?  Are Volcanoes responsible for forming Islands or do Islands form first then Volcanoes develop on them?"— Presentation transcript:

1  What do you know about Volcanoes ?  Are Volcanoes responsible for forming Islands or do Islands form first then Volcanoes develop on them?

2 The Land Pg. 734 to 738

3 Cordillera Archipelago Insular Flora Fauna

4 Tectonic plate movement and volcanic activity created the landforms of South Asia Millions of years ago. The Indochina Peninsula and Malay Peninsula make up the Mainland of Southeast Asia

5  About half of Southeast Asia’s 11 countries are on the main land: Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar(Burma) & Thailand  The rest are island countries: Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Singapore & the Philippines  Malaysia is both a main land and island country

6  Many mountains in Southeast Asia are actually volcanoes and may still be active 129 are still active  More than 300 volcanoes stretch across Indonesia & 129 are still active  1883: Krakatau erupted causing destruction and loss of life  2006: Indonesia put volcano alert and evacuation procedures in place after more volcanic activity

7  People rely on Water ways for transportation, communication & food.  Floating Markets reflect the importance of the rivers to commerce in this region

8 Major mainland rivers include: 1. The Irrawaddy River (Myanmar) 2. The Chao Phraya River (Thailand) 3. The Red River (Vietnam) 4. The Mekong River: this river forms the border between Thailand and Laos Unlike Main land rivers, Island rivers are shorter and flow in various directions

9 CountriesFossil FuelsMinerals & Gems FloraFauna Malaysia Indonesia Vietnam Philippines Thailand Myanmar

10 CountriesFossil FuelsMinerals & Gems FloraFauna Malaysia Petroleum, oil Natural gas Tin, Sapphires & rubies Rafflesia Arnoldii rubber plants Elephants, Tigers, rhinoceroses, orangutans, lacewing butterfly komodo dragon Indonesia Coal, leader in oil production Nickel & IronRafflesia ArnoldiiElephants, Tigers, rhinoceroses, orangutans Vietnam Coal, oilSapphires & rubies Rafflesia ArnoldiiElephants, Tigers, rhinoceroses, orangutans Philippines CoalCopper, PearlsRafflesia ArnoldiiElephants, Tigers, rhinoceroses, orangutans Thailand xTin, Sapphires & rubies Rafflesia Arnoldii orchids, Elephants, Tigers, rhinoceroses, orangutans Myanmar xSapphires & rubies Rafflesia ArnoldiiElephants, Tigers, rhinoceroses, orangutans







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