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Using Quotations in Your Writing. Quotations provide evidence to support your claims & assertions.

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1 Using Quotations in Your Writing

2 Quotations provide evidence to support your claims & assertions

3 Quotes must be tied to your sentences and your ideas Quotes must be introduced or embedded into your sentence. Never use a quotation as a complete sentence by itself. The Basic Rules

4 Ehrenreich writes about her experiences in low wage jobs. “In fact, millions of Americans do it every day, and with a lot less fanfare and dithering” (6). This leaves the quote like this: ALWAYS Incorrect

5 1. Attribute Quotes Attribute the quote to the AUTHOR who wrote the quote

6 Ehrenreich points out, “In fact, millions of Americans do it every day, and with a lot less fanfare and dithering” (6). Correct

7 2. Introduce the Quote Use appropriate and powerful verbs to introduce the quote.

8 Author is neutral Author implies/ suggests Author argues/claims Author disagrees Author agrees comments describes explains informs illustrates notes observes points out records relates remarks reports says sees states tells thinks writes adds analyzes asks assesses concludes finds predicts proposes reveals shows speculates suggests supposes alleges argues asserts claims contends declares defends disagrees holds insists maintains belittles bemoans complains condemns deplores deprecates derides disparages laments warns admits affirms agrees concedes concurs grants VERBS to introduce QUOTES

9 3. Embed Quotes A more effective use of quotations is to EMBED a part of the author’s sentence into your own writing. Consider the quote to be like a layer in your sandwich!

10 Ehrenreich plans to work in minimum wage jobs, which is exactly what “millions of Americans do” everyday of their working lives (6). These workers perform these menial jobs with “little fanfare and dithering” (6). EXAMPLE

11 Other Things You Need to Know About Using Quotes

12 Quoting Quotes Use single quotation marks around material that is already in quotations in the source you are quoting. ‘Single’ quotation marks are used only inside normal “double” quotation marks.

13 As originally written So this is not a story of some death- defying “undercover” adventure. As Ehrenreich observes, “So this is not a story of some death-defying ‘undercover’ adventure” (6). Correctly Quoted

14 Ehrenreich shares Gail’s summary of working for a corporation: “’ They don’t cut you no slack. You give and you give and they take’”(22) Correctly Quoted Direct Quote

15 Changing the Quote Sometimes it is necessary to change the form of a word in a quotation (“walks” to “walked”) or to add/change a word of your own to make the sentence flow. Use brackets [ ] to indicate anything you have changed.

16 Use an ellipsis, three periods with spaces between them (…), within a quotation to show that part of the original text is left out. An ellipsis at the beginning or end of a quotation is unnecessary. Ellipsis

17 Original sentence: In fact, millions of Americans do it every day… Ehrenreich concludes, “[M]illions of Americans do it every day…” (6). EXAMPLE

18 Ehrenreich plans to work in minimum wage jobs, which is exactly what “millions of Americans do…with a lot less fanfare and dithering” everyday of their working lives (6). EXAMPLE

19 Last but not least Explain what the quotation means, and how it helps to establish the point you are making.

20 The quote is NOT a substitute for your ideas.

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