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Romeo and Juliet Act IV Vocabulary. Shroud Noun Burial cloth.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo and Juliet Act IV Vocabulary. Shroud Noun Burial cloth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo and Juliet Act IV Vocabulary

2 Shroud Noun Burial cloth

3 Distraught Adjective Worried, distressed, troubled, upset,disturbed

4 Vial Noun A small container/ bottle for liquids

5 Distill Verb To Purify/ to increase strength

6 Prostrate Verb Level to the ground, laying flat, to surrender by falling on the ground

7 Bier Noun Platform that the coffin is placed upon at a funeral

8 Dirge (durge) Noun Funeral hymn

9 Pilgrimage Noun Long journey for a purpose

10 Abate Verb Decrease, decline, halt, end, terminate amount or intensity

11 Receptacle Noun Holder, storage, a container

12 Valor Noun Courage, bravery

13 Fester Verb Aggravate, irritate; to develop pus or rot

14 Beguile Verb To trick or deceive

15 Array Noun A collection; assortment

16 Lament Verb Express of sadness To grieve for

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