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Compound Sentences PowerPoint and Chant Created by Monica Jensen.

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1 Compound Sentences PowerPoint and Chant Created by Monica Jensen

2 Why you need to learn about compound sentences… Your writing will be more engaging. Varying sentence structure shows you’re more educated. Your writing on online job applications reflects you as a person. In addition…. university tests will be highly competitive: here’s one more skill to put you above the rest

3 Definition A sentence that combines two simple complete sentences with a conjunction or semicolon.

4 Conjunctions and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so Most commonly used………..… and = used to add information I like cats and dogs. but = used to show opposites I like cats but not dogs. or = used to show a choice I can’t decide if I like cats or dogs better.

5 Chant A compound sentence Two complete sentences Pounded together With a conjunction to function’ Behind a comma says yo’ momma Or semicolon rollin’ in Yo!

6 Step-by-step Take out the following before we begin our practice: Conjunction list Compound sentence chant Notes taken during class Your white board materials

7 Writing a Compound Sentence Using a Conjunction

8 Step 1 Write a simple sentence. Don’t forget that you need to have a subject (noun or pronoun) and predicate (verb word or phrase) Example: The girl laughed.

9 Step 2 “two complete sentences” Write another simple sentence right under the first one. Make sure the second sentence is related to the other. Example: The girl laughed. Her laugh was catchy.

10 Step 3 “pounded together by a conjunction to function” Choose the appropriate conjunction to combine the sentences. Use one of the most common (and, but, or) for today’s practice. Example: The girl laughed and her laugh was catchy.

11 Step 4 “behind a comma says yo’ momma” Put a comma before the conjunction. Example: The girl laughed, and her laugh was catchy.

12 Writing a Compound Sentence Using a Semicolon

13 Step 1 Write a simple sentence. Don’t forget that you need to have a subject (noun or pronoun) and predicate (verb word or phrase) Example: The girl laughed.

14 Step 2 “two complete sentences” Write another simple sentence right under the first one. Make sure the second sentence is related to the other. Example: The girl laughed. Her laugh was catchy.

15 Step 3 “or semicolon rollin’ in- yo!” Put a semicolon in between the two complete sentences. Example: The girl laughed; her laugh was catchy.

16 Memorization It will be important to memorize the conjunctions and compound sentence chant in order to recognize and be able to write compound sentences.

17 Conjunctions and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so Why would you use “and”? “and” is used to add information Ex: I like cats and dogs. Why would you use “but”? “but” is used to show opposites Ex: I like cats but not dogs. Why would you use “or”? “or” is used to show a choice Ex: I can’t decide if I like cats or dogs better.

18 Chant A compound sentence Two complete sentences Pounded together With a conjunction to function’ Behind a comma says yo’ momma Or semicolon rollin’ in Yo!

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