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6 th Grade Parent Night. Home/School Communications Please check your email SPAM or JUNK folders. Because we send out information to distribution lists.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Grade Parent Night. Home/School Communications Please check your email SPAM or JUNK folders. Because we send out information to distribution lists."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Grade Parent Night

2 Home/School Communications Please check your email SPAM or JUNK folders. Because we send out information to distribution lists with over 100 email addresses, the email can get held up in those folders. Please add each of our teacher email addresses to your contacts list to insure a timely delivery. csturdivant@madisoncity.k12.alus

3 English/Language Arts – Mrs. Comer Students are expected to apply reading strategies to a new reading of text. (No more testing over one story that the students read over and over for the week.) Students use note taking, graphic organizers, and highlighting techniques. (“Read with a pencil”) Students engage in discussions about text connections. (Collaborative Conversations) Students must cite text evidence to support their responses.

4 Language Arts – Mrs. Comer

5 Grades 3 – 6 Reading Grade Breakdown: Weekly Tests – 50% Unit Test/ 9 week Test – 20% Other Daily Assignments– 30% English Grades – 6 th Grade Tests – 60% Other Daily Assignments – 40%

6 Accelerated Reader Students are allowed to take AR tests daily during Reading Class after reading instruction/lessons are given to students. Students are working on various goals: 1. The 9 Week Points Goal 2. The Million Words Goal 3. 50% fiction/50% nonfiction 4. The Star and Classic Reader Certification Goals  Star Certification: Read/pass tests on 3 level 4.0 or higher books worth 4 pts. or more each.  Class Reader Certification: Read/pass tests on 3 level 6.0 books worth 7 pts. or higher.

7 Mrs. Woodruff/ Math Key Shifts in Math CCRS Less material that goes more in depth, higher expectations, learning builds on concepts learned in previous grades, increased rigor Students are able to independently apply mathematical concepts in real world situations Students problem solve with persistence and “struggle” with problem solving

8 Use multiple strategies to solve problems and perform error analysis of problems Construct arguments and critique the reasoning of others Students can write and speak about their math understanding Mathematical procedures are performed quickly and accurately

9 8 Practices of Mathematical Thinking 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4.Model with mathematics 5.Use appropriate tools strategically 6.Attend to precision 7.Look for and make use of structure 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

10 Concept: Multiplication of Whole Numbers [5.NBT.5] Concept: Exponents [5.NBT.2] Concept: Multiplication of Decimals [5.NBT.7] Unit Essential Question: How can we use multiple strategies when multiplying whole numbers and decimals? Key Learning: Knowing and using a variety of strategies and connecting the problem to a context build conceptual understanding of fluency in solving multiplication problems. Lesson Essential Questions: 1. What are the properties of multiplication? 2. How can you estimate products? 3. What is the standard algorithm for multiplication?. 4. How can you use the distributive property to write expressions and solve equations? 5. How do you multiply by 1 digit numbers? 6. How do you multiply by 2 digit numbers? 7. How do you multiply 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers? Lesson Essential Questions: 1. How can you use exponents to write a large number? 2. What is true about the factors of a number written in exponential notation? 3. When might you want to use exponential notation rather than expanded form? Lesson Essential Questions: 1. What is the rule for multiplying decimals by 10, 100 or 1000? 2. What are some ways to estimate products with decimals? 3. How can you multiply whole numbers and decimals? 4. How do you multiply whole numbers by a decimal? 5. How can you multiply two decimals? Vocabulary: Partial products Algorithm Factors Product Multiply Commutative property of multiplication Associative property of multiplication Zero property of multiplication Identity property of multiplication Vocabulary: exponents exponential notation expanded form standard form base squared cubed power Vocabulary: Partial products Algorithm Factors Product Multiply Commutative property of multiplication Associative property of multiplication Zero property of multiplication Identity property of multiplication Additional Information/Resources:

11 Math Grading Categories Journaling 20% Fluency 20% Tests/ Nine Weeks Test 40% Application 20% ▫Daily grades, homework, quizzes

12 Homework Fluency Practice ▫Math Facts on Renaissance Place ▫Flash cards ▫Online games At least one session of math SuccessMaker should be completed from home each week *THERE SHOULD BE SOMETHING WRITTEN IN YOUR CHILD’S PLANNER DAILY FROM MATH CLASS.

13 Social Studies Mrs. Schaffer 50%=Tests, Projects 30%=Quizzes 20%=Daily Work Grades are taken from short quizzes, section work in notebooks, projects, tests, writing assignments and notebooks.

14 Social Studies United States 1877 to Present The children use many different resources to learn about our history. Internet Textbooks Video clips Primary Sources Secondary Sources

15 Social Studies Type of Assignments Electronic tasks – Prezi, Glogster, Power Point, Photo Story and others We are focusing on expository and persuasive writing. We will use the above to complete projects – MAINLY IN CLASS.

16 Science / Mr. Sturdivant AMSTI/Hands On Catastrophic Events Earth and Space Supplemental Math (Daily Work, SuccessMaker, Math Facts) Science Fair (Information Coming Soon)

17 Dress Code Shorts/skirts must be at or longer than 4 inches above the knee. (No Nike type running shorts) No tank tops, shirts with spaghetti straps less than 1 ½ inches wide. No holes in shorts or jeans. No pajama pants. No caps, hats, or sunglasses. No sagging pants. Leggings are not pants! A long shirt/dress must be worn over the leggings. No hoods. (Hoodies are acceptable…but the hoods must not be worn on heads at school.) Just because a store sells it, doesn’t mean you can wear it to school!

18 Absences and Make Up Work If you are absent, you must bring a signed note within 3 days of your absence. If you are sick, we prefer that you rest and heal at home. You may get your make up work when you return to school. Any assignment that was given on the last day you were at school is due on the day you return to school.

19 Classwork/Homework Students were issued a School Planner on the first day of school. Restroom/hall passes are located in the back of the planner. Each teacher has a whiteboard beside the door. Students are instructed to copy this information daily. Teachers don’t check planners. If a conference if requested, students will attend and will bring the planner for viewing.

20 6 th Grade Free Day Friday Plan 6 th Graders will begin each week with a clean slate and 3 Tickets. How Do Students Lose a Ticket? ▫Incomplete classwork ▫Misbehavior If a student loses all 3 tickets in a week, he/she will remain inside during Fun Day Friday with a teacher. At the end of the year, there will be a “Big Blow Out” Celebration. In order to attend this celebration, a child can not miss more than one Fun Day Friday PER NINE WEEK PERIOD.

21 Reminders: Morning Car Line Opens at 7:05 a.m. All students who morning car riders must be dropped off in the BACK CAR LINE. (Students may not be dropped off in the front parking lot.) Morning Car Line Closes at 7:35 a.m. Instructional Day Begins at 7:40 a.m. Dismissal Bell – 2:40 p.m. Afternoon Car Line closes at 3:00 p.m.

22 Questions?????

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