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The Heroes of the Iliad and The Odyssey Ricky Alfera, Delaney Burke, Clayton Dubbs, Rachel Krakoff, and Michael Piroli.

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Presentation on theme: "The Heroes of the Iliad and The Odyssey Ricky Alfera, Delaney Burke, Clayton Dubbs, Rachel Krakoff, and Michael Piroli."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Heroes of the Iliad and The Odyssey Ricky Alfera, Delaney Burke, Clayton Dubbs, Rachel Krakoff, and Michael Piroli

2 I can give the definition of a hero I can compare and contrast the types of heroes in the Odyssey and Iliad Targets

3 Heroes have done something beyond the normal range of achievement and experience Moral objective: give up their life for a greater cause inspire greatness Set out vs. Thrown in Physical vs. Spiritual deeds Hero depends on perspective The journey of a hero is a maturation process What is a Hero?

4 Achilles vs. Telemachos Achilles: Sought to avenge Patroclus's death Greek Hero Physical Deed of defeating Trojan Army Maturation is seen after the return of Hector Telemachos: Sets out on Journey with aid of Athena to save Odysseus Spiritual Deed invoked by Athena Maturation in judgement, independence and leadership develops

5 Achilles v. Telemachos Achilles decides to set aside immaturity and selfishness and aid the cause of defeating Trojan Army. Perspective: Greek Loyalty/Patriotism Inspired greatness in battle Military Prowess beyond normal human ability Telemachos risks his life on a voyage to find his father Perspective: Save Odysseus and return him to his family His development to being assertive and bold inspires people of Ithaca Sets off on a perilous journey. Beyond natural achievement?

6 Assessment Pull out a sheet of paper and answer the following questions: 1. Define a "hero" 1. What makes Achilles a hero? 1. What makes Telemachos a hero? 1. What are their similarities? Differences?

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