Apostrophes Post-Test What have you learned?. The Cheat Sheet First determine if the item is singular (one) or plural (more than one). To show possession,

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Presentation on theme: "Apostrophes Post-Test What have you learned?. The Cheat Sheet First determine if the item is singular (one) or plural (more than one). To show possession,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Apostrophes Post-Test What have you learned?

2 The Cheat Sheet First determine if the item is singular (one) or plural (more than one). To show possession, apply the rule: -singular: ’s -plural: s’

3 The Exceptions man man’s men men’s woman woman’s women women’s child child’s children children’s

4 Which option is correct? The (book’s, books’) cover is torn. I may receive a fine when I return it to the library. 1- book’s 2- books’

5 Which option is correct? The (Wilson’s house, Wilsons’ house) is located at the end of Cherry Blossom Lane. 1- Wilson’s house 2-Wilsons’ house

6 Which option is correct? The woman sought out three (doctor’s, doctors’) opinions before she chose a treatment plan for her advanced cancer. 1- doctor’s 2-doctors’

7 Which option is correct? The conference is attended by (scientists, scientist’s, scientists’) from all over the world. 1- scientists 2-scientist’s 3-scientists’

8 Which option is correct? What should we choose as the (team’s, teams’) mascot? Jennifer wants a hawk, but I prefer a knight. 1- team’s 2-teams’

9 Which option is correct? The (childrens, children’s, childrens’) playroom was left a mess, with toys and games strewn all over the floor. 1-childrens 2-children’s 3-childrens’

10 Which option is correct? Make sure that your (poem’s lines, poem’s line’s) are short enough when you submit the final draft. 1-poem’s lines 2-poem’s line’s

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