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 Pantomime is acting without words by using facial expressions and gestures, expressive movements of the body or limbs. The term is used to cover several.

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Presentation on theme: " Pantomime is acting without words by using facial expressions and gestures, expressive movements of the body or limbs. The term is used to cover several."— Presentation transcript:


2  Pantomime is acting without words by using facial expressions and gestures, expressive movements of the body or limbs. The term is used to cover several different types of movement  For successful stage pantomime you need to use your facial expressions and body movements to communicate your reactions- physical and emotional-to characters, events, objects, and environments

3  Pantomime is often called the art of silence.  The art of pantomime is basic to your training as an actor, because a character is portrayed through gestures, facial expressions, and movement- the first things an audience notices.  Pantomime goes hand in hand with dance and was the forerunner of classical ballet  Pantomime was the first form of acting.

4  The techniques of pantomime are based on what human beings do physically in response to emotional stimulation, other people, and the objects around them.  No sound is used  There are two phases ◦ Relax your muscles and free your body for quick expression of feeling ◦ Creation of characterizations in which feeling prompts a bodily response

5  The modern tradition of mime, based on the technique of pantomime, is an abstract art form employing exaggerated conventionalized gestures to express ideas rather than to represent actions.  The formal art of mime emerged in the early 1800s, when Jean-Baptiste Gaspard Deburau began the process of refining the Commedia Dell’Arte slapstick style of pantomime.

6  Today’s most famous mime, Marcel Marceau, was inspired by the great silent film comedians Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton.  He developed a character called Bip.  Because of Marceau, the art of mime has become more popular.  Marceau has stated that he feels mime has become popular because it has no language barriers and because it’s so simple that it can be performed anywhere

7  Mimes never use words ◦ Though some employ sounds  They generally wear whiteface makeup ◦ White foundation with accentuated eyes and mouth  They also wear eccentric clothing and work on a bare stage with few props  Mimes work from just five basic facial expressions ◦ Happy, sad, surprised, angry, and afraid

8  PANTOMIME ◦ The action conveys only action; for example, flying a kite ◦ The artist works with imaginary objects ◦ No sounds are used ◦ All pantomimes are based on reality ◦ The main goal is the exact pantomime of a specific action  MIME ◦ The action conveys the theme; for example, snagging a kite on a tree after struggling to get it soaring in the sky might be a mime’s way of saying “our aspirations often become entangled with the things of this world.” ◦ The artist works with imaginary objects by may also use part or all of the body to become an object or express an idea ◦ Nonverbal sounds, such as escaping air, a telephone busy signal, or the screech of tires may be used. ◦ Mimes go beyond reality; they are not limited to the real world ◦ The main goal is the expression of an idea; themes can often be expressed in simple terms: loneliness, young dreams, or forgiveness

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