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Transfer to Secondary School and the Kent Test. Transfer to Secondary School  You must apply for a secondary school place for your child to start year.

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Presentation on theme: "Transfer to Secondary School and the Kent Test. Transfer to Secondary School  You must apply for a secondary school place for your child to start year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transfer to Secondary School and the Kent Test

2 Transfer to Secondary School  You must apply for a secondary school place for your child to start year 7 at secondary school.  You will need to do this when your child is in Year 6.

3 Transfer to Secondary School  Applications for children due to start secondary school in September 2015 open in September 2014.  You can apply online or by post. Full details of how to apply will be available when applications open.  The application form is called the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF)  You will know the results of the Kent Test before having to make this decision.

4 Transfer to Secondary School – Open Evenings  Go and be nosy!  Have a look at a range of schools as there is no guarantee you will like the ones you expected and you may not be offered the ones you want.  You can view a school’s latest OFSTED report on the internet.  You may be able to book to look around a school during a school day if your child has particular needs to be discussed.

5 Transfer to Secondary School – Choosing Schools  You can apply for up to 4 schools, putting them in order of preference. It’s in your best interests to list 4 schools.  Naming only one school does not guarantee your child a place at that school or give your child priority for a place over another child,  Neither does naming a school more than once.  Look at the admissions rules for the school and their oversubscription criteria  Distance from home  Siblings  Church school

6 Timetable of important Dates  Now - 1 st July 2014 – Registration to sit the Kent Test (11+)  By 13 th July – Register for the Bexley Test (if required)  September 2014 – Secondary schools will start to run open evenings.  10 th September 2014 – Children who have registered sit the 11+.  15 th October 2014 – Kent Test (11+) results sent to parents (after 4pm).  By 31 st October 2014 – Apply for secondary school place (  2 nd March 2015 – Offers of school places sent to parents.  By 18 th March 2015 – Apply to a school’s waiting list if needed.  By 20 th March 2015 – Accept of refuse the place you have been offered.  By 31 st March 2015 – All appeals must be lodged (we can support you as much as possible with this)

7 The Kent Test  If you wish your child to sit the test you must apply on-line.  Registration opens Applications are now open : 2 nd June 2014  Registration closes: Midnight 1 st July 2014  Tests for children in Kent Primary Schools: 10 th September 2014  Assessment decision letter/email sent to parents 15 th October 2014

8 The Kent Test – English & Maths Paper  Multiple-choice format with a separate machine readable (OMR) answer sheet. The whole test will take an hour to administer, plus any admin time before formal timing begins.  The English test is the first section. Each sub-test will take 25 minutes, and will be preceded by a five minute practice exercise.  Children will be required to stop at the end of the English section and wait for instructions before they start the Maths paper.  The English will involve a comprehension exercise plus some additional questions drawn from a set designed to test literacy skills.

9 The Kent Test – Reasoning Test  Multiple-choice format. It will take about an hour to administer, including the practice drills and questions.  It will contain a verbal reasoning section and a non-verbal reasoning section of roughly the same length, with the verbal reasoning being the first part. The non-verbal reasoning will be split into four short sections, administered and timed individually (as in the previous tests).  There will still be a writing exercise which will not be marked but may be taken into consideration in borderline cases referred to the local Head Teacher Assessment Panel. 40 minutes will be allowed for the writing task, including 10 minutes to plan the piece.

10 The Kent Test – Scoring the test  Scores:  Scores will still be age standardised, using a national standardisation. The score range on each paper will be 69 or 70 to 140 or 141 as now, so the maximum aggregate standardised score would be 280 or 282.  Threshold:  Until Kent pupils have taken the tests it will not be possible to predict the threshold for grammar school but it is probable that it will be set in a similar way, using a minimum aggregate score and a minimum level for a single score.  Wherever the threshold is set, those schools which rank children by aggregate score for admission will continue to work down their list of applicants in score order, taking the highest scorers first, so the only effect of the changes will be that the scores involved will be different because fewer tests are involved.

11 The Bexley Test  If you want your child to go to a secondary school in the Bexley Borough, they will need to sit the Bexley Test (their 11+)  The registration form can be found at: and must be completed by 13 th July 2014  Tests will take place on 16 th and 17 th September 2014 in a Bexley grammar school.  The tests:  Verbal ability & comprehension  Mathematical problem solving and non-verbal reasoning  Timed parts using a CD

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