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Chapter 5 Section 3. Beginnings of Sparta *Late 1100s BC: Invaders from North conquered Peloponnesus - Helots: conquered workers -Sparta: capital.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Section 3. Beginnings of Sparta *Late 1100s BC: Invaders from North conquered Peloponnesus - Helots: conquered workers -Sparta: capital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Section 3

2 Beginnings of Sparta *Late 1100s BC: Invaders from North conquered Peloponnesus - Helots: conquered workers -Sparta: capital

3 Geography of Sparta *Located in valley -Had walls (Defense) -Mountainous *Sparta: develops into rigid, militarized society -Keep Helots in line



6 Spartan Society  Three Social Groups: 1. Equals – descendants of invaders - Controlled city-state. - Land divided among them.

7 2. Half Citizens – free, paid taxes, served in army. - no political power - farmed/traded 3. Helots – slaves (Largest) - Spartans decided where they would worked/lived -hated Spartans

8 Government in Sparta  Two Kings  Council of Elders5 Ephors  Assembly

9 Government in Sparta 1. Two Kings - Home and Military 2. Council of Elders -60 yrs. Old  28 Men: wealthy aristocrats.  Proposed laws and were court.

10 3. Assembly:  Accepted/Rejected laws passed by Council of Elders 4. Elected 5 Ephors:  1 year terms  Ensured kings followed laws  Controlled Education


12 Aries Artemis God of War Goddess associated with warriors and the young

13 Militaristic Society *Controlled all citizens  Birth to Death *Everyone part of military machine  Controlled Helots  Expanded Spartan power

14 A Spartan Soldier *Birth: examined  Unhealthy: left to die *Boys: Age 7 go to military  Education (military & academics) *Age 18 – 20 trained for war *Age 20 began military service

15 A Spartan Soldier  No:  marriage  home life  Business or trade…….until 30!  ~Love of money corrupt *Eligible for Service until 60 *After 60: work for public good, not private gain.

16 Spartan Women *Women: strong/raise warriors *Received strict training  taught to be devoted to city- state

17 Result of Militaristic Society ~Unbeatable Army ~Loss of Freedom ~Little Science, Literature or Philosophy Created

18 Location of Athens *Attic Peninsula: lacks fertile land  Sea traders *Protected from enemies:  Inland city  Walls *Built around rocky hill:  Acropolis


20 Athens 120 A.D. 


22 Athenian Society  Three Classes: 1. Athenian Citizens:  only Athenian- born MEN had full political rights.

23 2. Metics: Non-citizens born outside Athens.  Artisans or merchants  Free/paid taxes  Couldn’t participate in politics/own land

24 3. Slaves: often captured in war ~Necessary to society *Slaves and Metics = over ½ of Athen’s population

25 Early Government *Monarchy  Aristocracy --Land owning citizens held office *Elected 9 Archons: --rulers who served 1 year terms. *Draco: created 1 st law code in 621 B.C. (Harsh!)  Nobles & Metics vs. Farmers for $$$  Poor sold into slavery.

26 Solon *Archon: Erased debts of poor  Outlawed slavery for debt -Freed those who were slaves for debt. *Citizens divided into 4 groups  Richest 2 could hold office  All citizens could vote

27 Solon

28 Peisistratus *546-527 BC: Tyrant ruler of Athens *Supported Lower classes  Clashed with nobles *After his son’s rule, nobles returned to power briefly.

29 Athenian Democracy *Cleisthenes: 507 BC: turned Athens into a Democracy *10 Tribes: each choose 50 Men  Council of 500 – Proposed laws *Assembly had final say on laws *Court jurors chosen from citizens

30 Athenian vs. U.S. Democracy *Direct Democracy – all citizens participated directly in making decisions Or *Representative Democracy – citizens elect representatives to govern for them.


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