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Chad Long. Long Family Motorsports: Driver for eight (8) years Auto-enthusiast majority of my life.

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Presentation on theme: "Chad Long. Long Family Motorsports: Driver for eight (8) years Auto-enthusiast majority of my life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chad Long

2 Long Family Motorsports: Driver for eight (8) years Auto-enthusiast majority of my life.

3 Topic- Comparing the design, uses, and pollution of gasoline and diesel fueled internal combustion engines. Driving Question- What are the key differences between a gasoline and diesel fueled internal combustion engine concerning their design, uses, and pollution concerns? Thesis- It is important to examine the background, design and function, and pollution concerns in order to be educated when discussing different types of engines.

4 Navy Officer Samuel Brown first patented the internal combustion engine 1823. Rudolph Diesel first patented diesel fueled engine in 1892. Henry Ford first mass produced the automobile in 1909. Boston, MA is the third most polluted region in the United States due to diesel fuel emissions.

5 Built a Chevrolet internal combustion engine. Process: Completed over the course of 8 weeks. Tear Down: Organizing of parts: Assembly: Perry- P&M Performance.





10 Internal combustion engine. Physical, full size model of topic. Through building one sees the internal design.

11 Completed project on time. Few remarks on first paper review. Product accurately displays topic. Use of WikiSpace as NCGP Portfolio.

12 Staying on time throughout process. Finding reliable sources. Finding opposing arguments on topic. Engine built at P&M Performance, Jacksonville, NC.

13 NCLIVE  research source. Citations/MLA Style Practice for future papers: ENG 233 Long Family Motorsports: Company Expansion

14 "Cleaning Up Diesel Pollution." Environment Massachusetts. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2010. Kiley, David. "How a Diesel Engine Works." USA Today. EBSCOhost, 26 Dec. 2002. Web. 27 Nov.

15 Education Exempt from Copyright: This presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the US Copyright Law and is restricted from further use.

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