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Mental Disorders : Perspectives 1. Diathesis- Stress : predisposition, maturation, learning 2. Psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, Freudian id, ego, superego,

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Disorders : Perspectives 1. Diathesis- Stress : predisposition, maturation, learning 2. Psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, Freudian id, ego, superego,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Disorders : Perspectives 1. Diathesis- Stress : predisposition, maturation, learning 2. Psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, Freudian id, ego, superego, libido, Eros, Thanatos psychosexual: oral (0-2), anal (2-3), phallic (Oedipus, 3-6), latency (6-12), genital (12- ) anxiety: objective, moral, neurotic, free-floating, phobic, panic reaction, ego defenses: (see “ Personality” plus displacement, intellectualization, denial) 3. Medical 4. Cognitive/ learning 5. Humanistic/ existential - Maslow, Rogers authenticity, becoming, self-actualization existential neurosis ( Maddi, 1967), premorbid stage client-centered unconditional - positive regard

2 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V ( DSM V ) of American Psychiatric Association -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edmonton in 1988: Prevalence - % (comorbidity ?) Substance abuse disorder 20.6 hi male Anxiety 11.2 hi female Mood 10.2 hi female Personality 3.7 hi male Schizophrenia+other psychotic 0.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anxiety Disorders: panic,, phobic(agoraphobia, social, specific), obsessive-compulsive Somatoform Disorders: somatization (hypochondriasis), conversion Dissociative Disorders: amnesia, fugue, multiple-personality

3 Personality Disorders: *a. antisocial (dissocial)- decency standards, no guilt *b. paranoid - suspiciousness, extreme mistrust of others *c. schizoid - social withdrawal, lack of concern for others d. schizotypal - unusual cognitions, poor communication, social *e. histrionic - attention-seeking, looks f. narcissistic - self-promoting, no empathy, attention-seeking *g. borderline (unstable) - no impulse control, mood swings, suicidal h. avoidant - oversensitive to rejection, no social confidence i. dependent - on others, indecisive j. obsessive-compulsive - rules, order, perfectionism, can’t relax Video: Pers.Dis. Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders (comorbidity): Alcohol and other drugs (e.g., cocaine, heroin, etc.) Blum (1995): Reward deficiency syndrome ICSS, dopamine

4 Hare & Babiak (2010) Dutton (2012) Leadership Psychopathy Charismatic Superficial charm Ability to influence Manipulation Persuasive Con artist Visionary thinking Fabrication of stories Risk taking Impulsivity Action oriented Thrill seeking Make hard decisions Emotional poverty

5 Schizophrenia ( Bleuler ) : Positive ( dopamine ) vs. negative ( brain damage ) symptoms Catatonic, paranoid, disorganized (hebephrenic) Video: Schizo. Mood Disorders : Bipolar, Major depression, Dysthymic disorder Lithium, Norepinephrine, Serotonin REM sleep, “depressogenic” Video: Personality dis. Schizophrenia and delusional dis. Serious depression


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