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A.Penjira Kanthawongs1 CS 202 and ICS 202 - Class 8 by A.Penjira (Mony) Kanthawongs.

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Presentation on theme: "A.Penjira Kanthawongs1 CS 202 and ICS 202 - Class 8 by A.Penjira (Mony) Kanthawongs."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.Penjira Kanthawongs1 CS 202 and ICS 202 - Class 8 by A.Penjira (Mony) Kanthawongs

2 A.Penjira Kanthawongs2 Class 8 - Agenda Give out keys for 10 MC and 10 SA Proj. Reinforce. Excel Project 1 Lecture on Excel Project 2 (E 2.5 - E 2.23 - Half Chapter) G. HW: Use G. HW from Class 7 and add AVERAGE, MAX, MIN functions for your company (Look at requirements like Page E 2.68 and from the lecture) turn in next class. Ind. HW: Do 20 MC and 10 SA questions for Excel P. 2 and turn in next class.

3 A.Penjira Kanthawongs3 Notice for next class. –Continue Lecture Excel Project 2 (the rest of the chapter). –Prepare for Excel – Lab Test (E.Project 1 & E.Project 2) Change in Syllabus –Class 9, Move “Present Group Work # 2 on Excel” to Class 10 –All Access lecture and homework will be extra credits...not requirements to do them.

4 A.Penjira Kanthawongs4 Project 2: BetNet Stock Club Michael Santos and 6 classmates began playing the stock game with Yahoo!’ s web site ( Michael and his friends started with $100,000 each person to buy and sell stocks for 1 month.

5 A.Penjira Kanthawongs5 Yahoo! Web site awarded the top finisher a $5,000 cash prize. Michael and his friends won the contest. They used the prize money to start the BetNet Stock Club and decided to invest in real stocks.

6 A.Penjira Kanthawongs6 Each month, Michael summarizes the month-end financial status. As the club members approach graduation from college, the value of the club’s portfolio has grown to nearly $900,000. As a result, the members voted to buy a new computer and Microsoft Office 2000 for Michael. With Office 2000, he plans to create a worksheet summarizing the club’s stock activities that he can e-mail to the members.

7 A.Penjira Kanthawongs7 Michael has asked you to show him how to create the workbook and access real-time stock quotes over the Internet using Excel 2000.

8 A.Penjira Kanthawongs8 Project 2: BetNet Stock Club Need: An easy-to-read worksheet that summarizes the club’s investment (Figure 2-1a). It includes each stock’s … name, symbol, date acquired, # of shares, initial price, i-cost, current price, c-value, gain/loss, % gain/loss. It also includes totals, average, highest value, lowest value for each column of #.

9 A.Penjira Kanthawongs9 Michael wants to use Excel to access real-time stock quotes using Web queries (Figure 2-1b).

10 A.Penjira Kanthawongs10 Source of Data: The data supplied by Michael includes the stock names, symbols, dates acquired, number of shares, initial prices, and current prices.

11 A.Penjira Kanthawongs11 Calculations: 1. Initial Cost = Shares x Initial Price 2. Current Value = Shares x Current Price 3. Gain/Loss = Current Value - Initial Cost

12 A.Penjira Kanthawongs12 4. Percentage Gain-Loss = Gain-Loss / Initial Cost 5. Compute the Totals for Initial Cost, Current Value, and Gain-Loss. –Percent Gain-Loss comes from Total Gain-Loss / Total Initial Cost. /

13 A.Penjira Kanthawongs13 6. Use the AVERAGE function to determine the average for the # of Shares, Initial Price per share, Initial Stock Cost, Current Stock Price, Current Stock Value, and Gain/Loss for each stock.

14 A.Penjira Kanthawongs14 7. Use the MAX and MIN functions to determine the highest and the lowest values for the # of Shares, Initial Price per share, Initial Stock Cost, Current Stock Price, Current Stock Value, and Gain/Loss for each stock, and Percent Gain/Loss.

15 A.Penjira Kanthawongs15 Web Requirements: Use the Web query feature of Excel to get real-time stock quotes for the stocks owned by BetNet Stock Club (Figure 2-1b)

16 A.Penjira Kanthawongs16 Entering the Titles and Numbers into the Worksheet. To start a new line in a cell, press ALT + ENTER after each line. To start typing in a new cell, press ENTER key or one of the arrow keys. Look in Orange Box on Page E 2.7 about “Wrapping Text.” You can instruct Excel to wrap the text in a cell by Choose the cell you want to change the format | Right-Click | Choose “Format Cells” | Choose “Alignment” tab | Check the box “Wrap Text”.

17 A.Penjira Kanthawongs17 Formatting a Worksheet. Look in all Orange Boxes on Page E 2.8. –You can increase and decrease height if rows to add white space between information. –You may use 4- digit years to ensure that Excel interprets year values the way you intend. –Best way to enter data into a range of cells…Select the range | Enter the data | Press “Enter” key | Enter the data.

18 A.Penjira Kanthawongs18 Important notes when entering dates into Excel. On Page E 2.7, Table 2-1, each Date Acquired is stated by MM/DD/YY. But you need to enter in this format “DD/MM/YYYY” ….always follow this format! Otherwise, you might get wrong calculations at the end. A date should be right-aligned in the cell because it is considered as a number. If you have trouble, try to fix it by Select the date cell | Right-Clicking | Choose “Format Cells” | Choose “Date” | Choose the format you want.

19 A.Penjira Kanthawongs19 This is how the worksheet looks when the titles and numbers are entered before any calculation.

20 A.Penjira Kanthawongs20 Calculations: 1. Initial Cost = Shares x Initial Price 2. Current Value = Shares x Current Price 3. Gain/Loss = Current Value - Initial Cost * * -

21 A.Penjira Kanthawongs21

22 A.Penjira Kanthawongs22 Entering Formulas In Excel, you can start a formula with equal (=), plus (+), and minus (-) signs and they will be considered as numbers and numbers can be calculated! Remember that! If you want to multiply in Excel, you need to press the asterisk (*) not the letter x (X). You can enter the cell references in formulas in uppercase or lowercase, and you can add space before and after arithmetic operators to make the formulas easier to read. –“=d3*e3” is the same as “=D3 * e3”

23 A.Penjira Kanthawongs23 Order of Operations in Excel P 2 Order of Operations or Precedence: 1. First Negation (-3) 2. All percentages (%) 3. All exponentiation s (^) 4. All multiplication (*) and division (/) from Left --> Right 5. All additions (+) and Subtractions (-) from Left --> Right Slash (/) is different from backslash (\)

24 A.Penjira Kanthawongs24 –For example: =6+(-3)^2 | = 6+9 | = 15 =D1 / X6 - A3 * A4 + A5 ^ A6 – ^  /  *  –  +

25 A.Penjira Kanthawongs25 4. Percentage Gain-Loss = Gain-Loss / Initial Cost /

26 A.Penjira Kanthawongs26

27 A.Penjira Kanthawongs27 Using Point Mode –Point mode allows you to create formulas using the mouse. (Page E 2.11 in Orange Box) Using the Fill Handle –Page E 2.13 –The Fill Handle is a small rectangle in the lower- right corner of the active cell.

28 A.Penjira Kanthawongs28

29 A.Penjira Kanthawongs29 Relative References (Page E 2.14) –Copy downward, Excel adjusts the row portion of cell ref., copy across, Excel adjusts the column portion of cell ref. To see the formulas in the Excel worksheet, click Tools | Options | Choose “View” tab | Check in the box in front of the “Formulas.”

30 A.Penjira Kanthawongs30 5. Compute the Totals for Initial Cost, Current Value, and Gain-Loss. –Percent Gain-Loss comes from Total Gain-Loss / Total Initial Cost. (Page E 2.15) /

31 A.Penjira Kanthawongs31 BetNet’ s Worksheet with all Totals.

32 A.Penjira Kanthawongs32 BetNet’s worksheet with the Total % Gain-Loss.

33 A.Penjira Kanthawongs33 Lab Test next class. There will be lecture from Page E 2.23 - the end of Excel Project 2 before the Lab Test. Prepare for the Excel Lab Test –Practice Excel Project 1 - Excel Project 2..Know it by heart :).. –Questions may come from the textbook or from the instructor.

34 A.Penjira Kanthawongs34 –30 points, Time: 1 hour, Help yourself…asking your friends or instructor is prohibited, No borrowing any materials esp. textbook and disks.

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