Mr. Gopi Nair Defense Technical Information Center Briefing at Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI) Meeting September 24, 2009 Approved for Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Gopi Nair Defense Technical Information Center Briefing at Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI) Meeting September 24, 2009 Approved for Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Gopi Nair Defense Technical Information Center Briefing at Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI) Meeting September 24, 2009 Approved for Public Release U.S. Government Work (17 USC § 105) Not copyrighted in the U.S. DTIC Overview

2 DTIC Online DTIC Online Access Controlled Open Archives Initiative Large Datasets Recent DTIC Successes

3 DTIC Online

4 DTIC MultiSearch: Enhanced Federated Search MultiSearch – searches more than 400 DoD, federal, commercial & international S&T sources from 50 countries

5 DTIC Online Access Controlled –Integrated resources for DTIC registered users with personal customization of home page

6 DoDTechipedia: DoD S&T Wiki for Collaboration 6 Fosters communication between those with needs and those with answers. Any user can edit content and add attachments.

7 DoDTechipedia Launched October 2008 DoD science & technology wiki In excess of 9,000 registered users Close to 228,000 page views More than 1,000 pages added Share knowledge Connect across walls Collaborate

8 DoD Portal for Ideas

9 DoD Business Portal DoD’s new online access for private sector innovation To find technical solutions to battlefield challenges –Battlefield Forensics To attract technical experts, engineers, craftsmen, and inventors to submit ideas –Find good ideas & develop quickly Launched February 2009

10 Open Archives Initiative Value of OAI Internet search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc., provided information through OAI, brings customers to full-text document downloads and referrals. DTIC Strategic Plan: “ In this era of ever-changing technology and shifting requirements, the value of central information sources, like DTIC, which acquire, organize, and disseminate information for others, becomes more apparent. Our information expertise will ensure we do our part to provide authorized access to information worldwide.” –R. Paul Ryan, Administrator

11 DoD Large Datasets DTIC initiated a study investigating the DoD community’s needs for establishing network services to manage DoD generated datasets. Objective: –Determine the community’s level of interest in this program –Initiate the requirements elicitation process –Outline DTIC’s proposed program on Managed Services of DoD generated RDT&E datasets 11

12 Rationale The volume of scientific data generated within the DoD is increasing Re-use to test hypotheses, algorithms or models Increase the value of the data by sharing with others No DoD network services available to manage datasets DTIC has taken the lead to manage DoD generated datasets DTIC will be the central coordinating point for DoD STI datasets DTIC will demonstrate new supporting technology for its applications 12

13 Spectrum of Possible DTIC Services Pointers to repositories Policy for Metadata/Preservation Technical Standards for Metadata Repository of Metadata Data Archive Operational Products Data Linked to Reports Science Grid Analytical Products 13

14 DTIC Dataset Concept 14 Community Datasets MDR NASA NOAA Data Warehouse Leveraged Govt Assets Leveraged DoD Assets Data Translators Service Interface Security Dataset Registration Dataset Registration Acquired Dataset Metadata Discovery Agent Discovery Agent Metadata Registrar Data Discovery User DTICManagedServices

15 DTIC’s Role in Digital Data Life Cycle 15 Life Cycle PhasesRole of DTIC Services for Data Preservation Creation Identify sources of data. Identify permanent location. Establish agreements and responsibilities Ingestion or Acquisition Establish technologies to access and search. Establish metadata. Provide visibility. Documentation Define metadata standards. Track usage and status Organization Develop repository standards. Conform to standards Migration Maintain awareness of dataset location and migration of data. Protection Implement quality control, access restrictions, user authorization, and trustworthiness Access Catalog and describe metadata. Disseminate information about available data. Support necessary methods for discovery. Provide community support DispositionAssume ownership of orphaned data. Remove unwanted information. Based on “Harnessing the Power of Digital Data for Science and Society” Report of the Interagency Working Group on Digital Data to the Committee of the Nation Science and Technology Council January 2009 (

16 Program Plan 16 We are here

17 Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Disclaimer of Endorsement 17

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