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Bob Jones – June 2002 - n° 1 EDG release Schedule Bob Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Bob Jones – June 2002 - n° 1 EDG release Schedule Bob Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bob Jones – June 2002 - n° 1 EDG release Schedule Bob Jones

2 Bob Jones – EDG retreat – August 2002 - n° 2 General Approach u Incremental improvements made to a stable release 1.2 n Each change tested and accepted/rejected before moving on to the next n Advantage: we can move a working release to the certificate testbed after any improvement s Choice based on priorities for users and availability of resources (human and hardware) to perform further testing on the certification testbed u Important milestones n Data Challenges s Given dates for each experiment (discussed by WP6 at Budapest) n EU Review (April 2003) u Note: all this relies on the 3 basic things being put in place: n A full-time testing group to assemble and maintain a comprehensive test suite n A certification testbed on which to perform tests n Automation of software installation, configuration & testing

3 Bob Jones – EDG retreat – August 2002 - n° 3 Releases for large deployment u Move a stable tagged release from the development testbed to the certification testbed at the end of September n Report on its contents at next PTB (2 nd October) u Testing/Certification is likely to take between 1 and 2 months u Release should make its way to the application/production testbed for the end of the year or early January u Use First quarter of 2003 to prepare demonstrations etc. for EDG review using this release n Further “latest developments” could be identified (demonstrated?) as running on the development/certification testbed

4 Bob Jones – EDG retreat – August 2002 - n° 4 Incremental Steps from EDG 1.2 1. Fix “show-stoppers” for application groups – mware WPs (continuous) 2. Build EDG1.2.x with autobuild tools - Iteam 3. Integrate testing framework and limited automatic tests with autobuild tools - testing group 4. Automatic installation & configuration procedure for pre-defined site (can’t auto test without it) 5. Start autobuild server for RH 7.2 and attempt build of release 1.2 – Yannick Patois 6. New LCFG - WP4 7. GridFTP server access to MSS - WP5 7. Giggle & Reptor – WP2 8. LCAS with dynamic plug-in modules – WP4 9. NetworkCost Function – WP7 10. Integrate mapcentre (nordugrid?) and R-GMA – WP3 11. GLUE modified info providers/consumers – WP1,4,5 12. Res. Broker – WP1 13. LCFG for RH 7.2 – WP4 14. Integration with Condor as batch system – WP4 What do we do about: Space mgmt, VOMS, slashrgrid?

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