 1  Outline  detailed operations  Model 04-02  Model 04-03  Model 04-04  general usage of ARENA.

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Presentation on theme: " 1  Outline  detailed operations  Model 04-02  Model 04-03  Model 04-04  general usage of ARENA."— Presentation transcript:

1  1  Outline  detailed operations  Model 04-02  Model 04-03  Model 04-04  general usage of ARENA

2  2  Electronic Assembly/Test System Sealer Part A EXPO(5) Part B Batches of 4 EXPO(30) Process A Tria(1,4,8) Process B Tria(3,5,10) Part A TRIA(1,3,4) Part B WEIB (2.5, 5.3) EXPO(45) Rework 9% 91% Shipped 20% Scrapped 80% Salvaged & Shipped

3  3  Models  Model 4.1: basic  Model 4.2: resource schedule, resource failure, frequency – time persistence statistics  Model 4.3: changing animation queue, changing entity picture, adding resource picture, adding variables and plots  Model 4.4: using modules in Advanced Transfer

4  4  Model 04-01 Model 04-01  ignore details  the 2-minute traveling times  the working hours of stations  schedule of the re-workers  failure of the sealer  the number of racks used

5  5  Model 04.02

6  6  New Features of Model 04-02: Refinements of Model 04-01  run length 10 days, 16 hours per day  two 8 hr shifts / day  1 re-worker in the first shift  2 re-workers in the second shift  sealer may break down  life time expo(120)  repair time expo(4)  statistics of the status of sealer: on and off  statistics of the rework queue (distribution of # of racks)  each rack possible to hold 10 items

7  7  Schedule of the Rework Station  define schedule of re-workers (Schedule module)  associate the schedule with the (resource of the) re-work station  option on resource when a service is interrupted: ignore, wait, preempt  modify the # of hours per day to suit the schedule

8  8  Failure of Resource  define a failure (Failure module in Advanced Processes)  associate the failure with a resource  the treatment of incomplete work at a failure  same as schedule: ignore, wait, and preempt

9  9  Collect Statistics  to get time-in-system statistics of a type of entities (customer-average statistics)  use Record module  record exit time - creation time  compile statistics  to get time-persistent statistics of a collection of values of variables or a collection of states of resources  use Statistics module (in Advance Process Template )  may need to self-define categories

10  10  Statistics for Racks and for Sealers  time-persistent statistics – Statistics module  statistics on sealer status  fraction of idle, failed, and busy time of sealer  statistics on number of racks needed  fractions of time for different number of racks used

11  11  Model 04.03

12  12  New Features of Model 04-03: Refinements of Model 04-02  animation of queues  length and points of queues  changing entity pictures  creating new one: copy, edit, and assign entity picture  adding resource pictures  creating resource picture from animation tool bar  adding variable plots

13  13  Model 04.04

14  14  New Features of Model 04-04: Refinements of Model 04-03  saving connection links by station and route modules  stations: module for program and icon for animation  route: module for program and icon for animation  changing an entity picture

15  15  Yield Management  C = capacity of plane, 100  Q = # of reservations allowed  X = actual # of passengers appear  ~ Binomial (Q, 0.95)  V = net profit  = 1600X – 40000 – 180 min(X, C) - 2500 max(X-C, 0)  result: Q * = 106

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