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1 Significant Learners’ Factors and English Language Learning From Ecological Approach to English Language Learning.

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1 1 Significant Learners’ Factors and English Language Learning From Ecological Approach to English Language Learning

2 2 The study investigates learners ’ self- perception, their perceptions of their English language learning, ecological variables of classroom and self and the interface between these variables and learning outcomes. The subjects are graduate students in CULI ’ s Academic English for Graduate Studies in the academic year 2005. The paper will provide definitions and background of the study by reporting impact of related research, research methodology, results and implications. Attention will be given to the significant factors related to learning. PREAMBLE

3 3 Ecological Approach to English Language Learning Factors of Student Attitude and Perception toward their Teacher and Classroom Interaction in Chulalongkorn University Language Institute’s Academic English for Graduate Studies Course” is being conducted employing the ecological approach with the purposes to study (1) the learners’ self perception, and their attitudes towards the teacher, and the teaching-learning methods used, (2) ecological factors and classroom management, and (3) relationships between learners’ factors, namely their EQ, background, attitude and perception and their achievement.

4 4 The approach employs psycho - educational intervention within the student’s sociocultural context and his/her perception of the learning environment and allows for a more accurate assessment of the student's psychological functioning and a broader understanding of the four crucial issues affecting the student’s language learning.

5 5  A research project entitled “Ecological Approach to English Language Learning Factors of Student Attitude and Perception toward their Teacher and Classroom Interaction in Chulalongkorn University Language Institute’s Academic English for Graduate Studies Course” is being conducted employing the ecological approach with the purposes to study (1) the learners’ self perception, and their attitudes towards the teacher, and the teaching-learning methods used, (2) ecological factors and classroom management, and (3) relationships between learners’ factors, namely their EQ, background, attitude and perception and their achievement. Background

6 6 Definition of termsDefinition  Ecological approach to language learning  The approach pays close attention to four related processes: perception and action in semiotic contexts, the emergence of language abilities in meaningful activity, the dynamics of social interaction; and the quality of educational experience. The ecological approach emphasizes the interaction of the student microsystem with the context of her/his mesosystem (peers, teachers, school, and other networks), macrosystem (community or culture), and exosystem (society/social structures).

7 7 Expected Outcomes of the Study  It is expected that this research would create knowledge and understanding about the roles of perception and ecological factors in ELT for academic purposes, and that learners’ microsystem, mesosystem, macrosystem, and exosystem impacting their ELL would be better understood.

8 8 Research Procedures  Subjects:  3 groups of graduate students taking Academic English for Graduate Studies course from ay 2005-2006 numbering 28, 27 and 32 respectively Instruments 1. EQ measures 2. Attitudes measures

9 9 Learner Variables Perception: Presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image In education, it has been proven that positive self- perception, or high self-esteem, is conducive to the developmental process. Self-perception has been shown to reflect developing cognitive abilities and social circumstances (Dusek & Flaherty, 1981; Stanwyck, 1983).

10 10 College Student Self-Perception  More specifically, academic self-concept refers to a student's perceptions of his or her academic abilities (House, 1992).  Hamachek, 1995 and House, 1993 show that students' self concept is significantly associated with academic achievement.  Loeb and Magee (1992) suggest that students with low self-esteem who find it difficult adjusting to college academics may benefit from contextual support resulting in their satisfaction with college and improved self-image.  Contextural support comes from such sources as faculty, peers, and family.

11 11 Bernat (2005) discusses research results revealing that attitudes toward learning, and the perceptions and beliefs that determine them, may have a profound influence on learning behavior.

12 12 Support and interaction with faculty may be related to students' academic achievement and self- concept (Gerdes and Mallinckrodt (1994).

13 13 Contextual Support = Support from Ecological Variables

14 14 Objectives  This study investigated 1. the impact of ecological variables including learner variables and learner-related variables, particularly learner perception and attitudes on English learning achievement of three cohorts of graduate students. 2. the strength and directions of the relationships

15 15 Expected Outcomes of the Study  It is expected that this research would create knowledge and understanding about the roles of perception and ecological factors in ELT for academic purposes, and that learners’ microsystem, mesosystem, macrosystem, and exosystem impacting their ELL would be better understood.

16 16 Ecological Variables/Factors  The independent variables in this research are either learner variables or learner-related variables. They are: 1. self-perception 2. emotion quotient 3. attitudes towards teaching-learning processes employed and the teacher

17 17 Self-Perception  1. My best friend and intimate  friendship  2. Social acceptance relationship  with the parents. Loving  relationships, humor, morality  3. Global appreciation  4. Social notation of the family  scale  5. Perception of the physical appearance

18 18 Emotion Quotient  1. Goodness  1.1 Self-control  1.2 Empathy  1.3 Responsibility  2. Smartness  2.1 Motivation  2.2 Decision-making and problem  solving  2.3 Relationship

19 19 Emotion Quotient (cont.)  3. Happiness  3.1 Being proud of oneself  3.2 Life Satisfaction  3.3 Peacefulness of mind

20 20  1. Submitting assignments by e-  mail is useful  2. Submitting assignments by e-  mail is appropriate  3. Saving time factor of transaction  by e-mail  4. E-mail transaction for  assignments is interesting Attitudes towards IT: E-mail and Website

21 21 Attittudes (cont.)  5. Submitting assignments by e-  mail helps make transaction  with the teacher faster  6. Receiving graded assignments  by e-mail is appropriate  7. Receiving graded assignments  by e-mail is useful

22 22 Attitudes (cont.)  8. Receiving graded assignments  by e-mail saves classroom time  9. Receiving graded assignments  by e-mail is interesting  10. Attitudes toward e-mail  transaction for assignments  (1) Receiving graded assignments  by e-mail helps student  obtaining useful corrections of  their work

23 23 Attitude (cont.)  (2) Receiving graded assignments  by e-mail helps student  obtaining useful explanation and  corrections of their work  (3) Receiving graded assignments  by e-mail helps student  obtaining only useful explanation  without any corrections for  improvement of their work

24 24 Attitudes (cont.)  11. Teacher assignments on  the website  12. Textbooks and handouts  distributed by the teacher  13. Materials in the self-access  language learning center

25 25 Attitudes toward teaching-learning procedures  1. Teacher classroom management  2. Peer assessment  3. Teacher assessment

26 26 Learner variables Sex Age Regarding oneself as a Bangkokian or as a person from other parts of Thailand Years of English learning

27 27 Dependent variables  Project  Midterm tests  Final exams  Assignments and participation

28 28 Findings: Relationships among the variables On visualiser

29 29 Consistency of significant relationships Cohort 1 Ass&Par~Project Sex Age~Self-Identif. Y.E~Self-d,Lev. of St.E EQ-sm~EQ-gd. EQ-hap~Proj. EQ-gd,sm. Peer~Ass&Par Ass&Par~Mid- term Cohort 2 Sex~Proj. Age~Proj. Self-Id~Level of St.E, Year of Eng. Y.E~Level of St.E EQ-hap~EQ-sm. Att.teach~Proj., Sex,Self-Per. Peer~Final,Midtm Self-id~Ass&Par. Level of St.E~ As&Part Cohort 3 Ass&Par~Proj Sex~Ass&Part LofSt.E~Self-id Y.E~Self-id,Lof St.E EQ-H~Proj,EQ- gd, EQ-sm EQ-Sm~EQ-good Peer~Ass&Par Ass&Part~<Mid term

30 30 Conclusion and Recommendation  Significantly consistent factors  Positive relationships  ● Ass&Par~Project  ● Y.E~Self-d,Lev. of St.E  ● EQ-sm~EQ-gd.  ● EQ-happy~Proj.  ● EQ-hap~Project, EQ-good,smart

31 31 Conclusion and Recommendation  Significantly consistent factors  Negative Relationships  ● P eer~Ass&Participation  ● Ass&Par~Mid-term

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