The Fungi Kingdom Review Game Review Game Zygomycota Ascomycota Basidiomycota Deuteromycotes General?’s 200 400 200 1000 800 600 400 200 600 800 1000.

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2 The Fungi Kingdom Review Game Review Game

3 Zygomycota Ascomycota Basidiomycota Deuteromycotes General?’s 200 400 200 1000 800 600 400 200 600 800 1000 800 600 400 1000 800 600 1000 800 600 400

4 Zygomycota - 200 Question: When zygomycetes reproduce sexually, they produce these. Answer: What are zygospores?

5 Zygomycota - 400 Question: These two types of hyphae either extend down into the food source or along it’s surface. Answer: What are rhizoids and stolons?

6 Zygomycota - 600 Question: Sporangia that form from a zygospore release spores that have half of the needed DNA. We call a sexual cell that doesn’t have a full set of DNA this. Answer: What is haploid?

7 Zygomycota - 800 Question: This is the unifying characteristic of this phylum. Answer: They have hyphae without septa no individual cells.

8 Zygomycota - 1000 Question: When two haploid hyphae strains, called + and -, fuse together they form these. Answer: What is a gametangium?

9 Ascomycota - 200 Question: Yeast, a unicellular ascomycetes, reproduces asexually using this technique. Answer: What is budding?

10 Ascomycota - 400 Question: This phylum of Fungi is also called the ____ fungi. Answer: What is sac fungi?

11 Ascomycota - 600 Question: The main sexual reproductive bodies in this group are a sac shaped structure called this. Answer: What is an ascus?

12 Ascomycota - 800 Question: In the sac of this fungi, meiosis occurs forming many haploid spores. These sexual spores are called this. Answer: What are ascospores?

13 Ascomycota - 1000 Question: The asexual chain of spores that is typical of this phylum is called this. Answer: What is a Conidia?

14 Basidiomycota - 200 Question: These fungi are commonly called club fungi and are most commonly seen as these fall time structures. Answer: What are mushrooms?

15 Basidiomycota - 400 Question: These structures found on the underside of a cap increase surface area for spore production and release. Answer: What are gills?

16 Basidiomycota - 600 Question: The club shaped hyphae that produce spores are called this. Answer: What is basidia?

17 Basidiomycota - 800 Question: The button that pops up above ground for spore production and release is composed of this material that is tightly packed. Answer: What is mycelium?

18 Basidiomycota - 1000 Question: These sexual cells are released from the gills and dispersed by wind, water, or animals. Answer: What are basidiospores?

19 Deuteromycota- 200 Question: This very important fungi in this phylum was discovered to kill off bacteria. Answer: What is Penicillin?

20 Deuteromycota - 400 Question: Fungi are placed in this phylum mainly because we lack knowledge of how they do this. Answer: What is reproduce?

21 Deuteromycota - 600 Question: Deuteromycetes can make food this type of flavor because it can be used to create citric acid. Answer: What is a tart flavor?

22 Deuteromycota - 800 Question: Even though we don’t know how these fungi reproduce, we still know that their cell walls are composed on this material. Answer: What is chitin?

23 Deuteromycota - 1000 Question: The people who study deuteromycetes and other types of fungi are called these. Answer: What are mycologists?

24 General ?’s - 200 Question: Almost all Fungi get their energy from this process. Answer: What is absorption or decomposition?

25 General ?’s - 400 Question: These organisms, which include Fungi, cannot make their own food and must get their energy from their environment. Answer: What are heterotrophs?

26 General ?’s - 600 Question: This term is used to describe cells that contain nuclei, including all Fungi cells. Answer: What is Eukaryotic or a Eukaryote?

27 General ?’s - 800 Question: A symbiotic relationship involving a fungus and an algae or cyanobacteria. Answer: What are Lichen?

28 General ?’s - 1000 Question: This name combines the Latin words for root and fungus. It’s a fungi-plant mutualistic relationship. Answer: What is mycorrihiza?

29 Final Jeopardy Question Question: This term is used to describe another type of asexual reproduction used by fungi. It occurs when the mycelium is broken into pieces that later grow into a new mycelium. Directions:  On a small piece of scratch paper, write down your group’s number.  Next, each group writes down their group’s wager.  You can’t bet more points than your group has earned.  Bring me the piece of paper with group’s number and bet. Answer: What is fragmentation?

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