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B LOODY E NDOCRINE. The NS is electric…the Endocrine is bloody.

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1 B LOODY E NDOCRINE. The NS is electric…the Endocrine is bloody.

2 I T ’ S G LANDTASTIC ! Endocrine System consists of glands that produce & secrete substances called hormones. Hormones are the chemical messengers of the ES (like neurotransmitters of the NS) except they travel through the bloodstream or veins rather than the nerves. Hormones stimulate (Latin meaning) growth and behavioral changes (activity levels, moods, emotional reactions, etc.) ES glands Pituitary Thyroid Adrenal Sex- Testes & Ovaries

3 M ASTER P Pituitary Gland is the Master Gland Only gland in the brain and the size of a Pea Stimulated by the hypothalamus Responsible esp. for growth of muscles, bones, glands and the pregnancy process in women…yay! Prolactin (milk) and oxytocin (labor) are known to produce that “maternal instinct” Oxytocin is injected to induce labor in overdue women.

4 T HYROID G LAND Responsible for thyroxin hormone production Located in throat surrounding wind pipe/larnyx, behind a man’s Adam’s apple. Affects metabolism rate of conversion of food to energy Too little- hypOthyroidism, overweight (“little cretins”- kids) Too much- hypERthyroidism, hyper, underweight

5 A DRENAL G LAND Located above the kidneys ad =at and renal =kidneys in Latin. Their outer layer or cortex produce Cortical Steroids or hormones that increase resistance to stress and promote muscle development Cause liver to release stored sugar for emergencies Adrenaline and noradrenaline also produced by these glands to mix together to arouse the body to cope with stressful experiences Adrenaline can intensify emotions such as fear & anxiety and act as a neurotransmitter in the CNS Noradrenaline act in the same manner in the Autonomic NS by raising blood pressure.

6 S EX G LANDS Testes and Ovaries Testosterone- male sex hormone Stimulates development of sex organs at around 8 wks. After conception. A fetus develops male sex organs if testosterone is secreted at this time; if not they develop female sex organs. During puberty, it helps with primary (reproduction) and secondary sex characteristics (beard, voice, etc) Testosterone is also a steroid which affects muscle mass, energy supply, stress resistance, sex drive, self-esteem, etc. Which has led to its unethical use by athletes to enhance performance and serious negative medical effects. Estrogen & Progesterone- female sex hormone Estrogen alone fosters reproductive process physically and mentally by increasing sex drive in fertile women during ovulation; along w/ growth of secondary organs like breasts Estrogen Levels effect mood, fatigue, self-confidence, and cognitive functioning. Regulate menstrual cycles and affects PMS along with Progesterone which stimulates growth of repro organs and prepares female body for pregnancy.

7 C OMPARING THE S YSTEMS Make a chart comparing the Human Body’s two major systems of communication. EndocrineSimilaritiesNervous Glands Stimulates or sends messages Hormones


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