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Giuseppe Mazzini – “The Heart”

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2 Giuseppe Mazzini – “The Heart”
Grassroots unification Italian Risorgimento

3 Camillo di Cavour – “The Brain”
Prime Minister of Sardinia A liberal – wanted to make Sardinia a model of progress, efficiency, and fair government for others to admire Tried to improve the economy

4 Camillo di Cavour – “The Brain”
Didn’t idealize war, but willing to use war to unify Italy – Crimean War ( ) Reorganized and strengthened Sardinian army Main architect of Italian unification

5 Guisseppe Garibaldi – “The Sword”
“Hero of Two Worlds” Red Shirts

6 King Victor Emmanuel II, House of Savoy
Only native Italian monarch in Italy


8 Italian Unification Timeline
1860 – Garibaldi and the “Red Shirt” Land in Sicily 1859 – War With Austria, Italy gets Lombardy with help of Napoleon III 1866: 7 Weeks’ War, Italy sides with Prussia & receives Venice 1861- Victor Emmanuel II Proclaimed “King of Italy” Cavour dies Franco-Prussian War, Italy takes Rome ITALY UNIFIED 1871: Rome proclaimed capital of unified Italy Revolution of 1848 1852 – Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Sardinia


10 Otto von Bismarck: The Founding of A German Empire

11 Nationalism Comes to Germany
France and Russia had long-standing policy of keeping Germany weak and divided Nationalism came to Germany, but different from Italy Superiority to Slavs Independent of West – own particular way of life and political system Were not widespread ideas of individual liberty – tended to glorify the state

12 Revolution of 1848 in Germany
Series of revolutions in German states Frankfurt Parliament of 1848 Offered crown of unified Germany to Frederick William IV Turned it down – would not accept crown “from the gutter” German states restored

13 Path to Unification “Blood and Iron”
ZOLLVEREIN a customs union of German states that did not include Austria. REALPOLITIK, which means “realism" – do what is necessary, not what is right or moral SCHLESWIG AND HOLSTEIN Seven Weeks' War


15 German Unification

16 1859

17 1861

18 1867

EMS TELEGRAM: Queen Isabella France opposed the choice of a Prussian Hohenzollern prince to replace Isabella. Napoleon III demanded in July 1870 that KING WILHELM OF PRUSSIA also oppose it. Wilhelm was reluctant to start trouble with France, so he crafted a polite, diplomatic response, which one of his officials conveyed to Bismarck. Bismarck edited the king's words to create the impression that the French ambassador and King Wilhelm had traded diplomatic insults. France thus declared war on Prussia on July 19, 1870. France quickly defeated, GERMAN EMPIRE PROCLAIMED

20 1871

21 German Unification Timeline
1862 – William I Bismarck appointed Head of cabinet 1818 – Prussia eliminates tariffs Weeks’ War; German Confederation Dissolved; Prussia takes Schleswig & Holstein 1848 – Revolution & Frankfurt Parliament Franco-Prussian War; France loses Alsace- Lorraine 1864 – Austria & Germany defeat Denmark: Austria takes Schleswig, Prussia takes Holstein 1871: German Empire Proclaimed; Bismarck appointed Chancellor Carlsbad Decrees 1844 – Zollverein includes Almost all German states


Increase Prussian Power Decrease Austrian influence in Germany (drive them out of Germany) “blood and iron” – war, trickery, etc… (7 Weeks War, tricked Austria; Franco-Prussian War) Realpolitik – do whatever is necessary to achieve goals, not what is moral or right CAVOUR Unification of Italy Make Sardinia a model of progress and efficiency (liberalism) Did not favor war, but was willing to use it if necessary (got involved in Crimean War to have a place at the peace negotiations in order to bring up the Italian question; joined Prussia in 7 Weeks War to get Venetia) Used plebiscites and majority opinion to unify Let the “Red Shirts” and Garibaldi do work for him

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