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Another example: Carbonic Anhydrase. Zn Active site in  -carbonic anhydrase.

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1 another example: Carbonic Anhydrase

2 Zn

3 Active site in  -carbonic anhydrase

4 Active site and mechanism in  -carbonic anhydrase deprotonation Nucleophilic attack on CO2 Charge stabilization START :B(GLU) H + :B(GLU)

5 CO 2 --> [CO 3 ] 2- CO 2 --> glucose CO 2 <-- [CO 3 ] 2- glucose --> CO 2 Carbonic Anhydrase is critically important in global C- cycle

6 CO 2 --> [CO 3 ] 2- CO 2 <-- [CO 3 ] 2- Carbonic Anhydrase important in global C- cycle because catalyzes both directions! Phytoplankton do this: HCO 3 -  CO 2 Diatoms do this: CO 2  HCO 3 - CA importance means these critters are growth limited: when there’s too little Zn, can use Cd and Co!!

7 Acid/base chemisty in catalysis of Mo enzymes: oxidation of SO 3 2- See in this step how Mo charge affects H2O acidity ditto


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