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HIV/AIDs Case Study Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea.

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1 HIV/AIDs Case Study Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea

2 Location

3 Australia

4 HIV/AIDS in Australia As of December 2011, there were 24,731 people living with HIV in Australia, which is less than 1% 10,796 people have been diagnosed with AIDS 6,843 people have died through AIDS related diseases Victoria has had a 40% increase over the last 10 years, the highest growth Australia wide

5 Causes and Factors of Distribution of HIV/AIDS in Australia Factors SUnprotected sex HHIV/AIDS is a recent medical discovery, thus little understood about the disease in recent history EnvGeographically quite isolated, unevenly distributed population EcoGovernments have collectively spent over $1b on HIV/AIDS over the last decade PModerate political attention to HIV/AIDS, advertising campaign in the late 80’s to early 90’s raising awareness THigh standards of medical technology and contraception helping to hinder the spread of HIV/AIDS in Australia

6 National Strategy 2014-2017 Prevention Strategy Priority Actions Increase safer sex practices among priority populations, particularly among gay men and other men who have sex with men, through the delivery of effective health promotion and prevention activities. Ensure the provision of sterile injecting equipment and safe-injecting education among people who inject drugs, particularly among priority populations such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Build the knowledge, skills and capacity of priority populations, primary care providers and policy makers to establish innovative HIV risk-reduction programs and activities. Improve the appropriate uptake of treatment as prevention, while monitoring and evaluating the impact of implementing this approach including feasibility, acceptability and outcomes. Strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of innovations and advances in biomedical, social and behavioural prevention sciences to inform implementation.

7 New Zealand

8 HIV/AIDS in New Zealand Currently, about 2,900 people in New Zealand are living with HIV (0.0006%) 217 people were diagnosed in 2014 Overall trend showing decline in HIV diagnosis's annually One of the lowest HIV prevalence rates in the world

9 Causes and Factors of Distribution of HIV/AIDS in New Zealand Factors SPeople who inject drugs (sharing needles), unprotected sex, shit butter HHIV/AIDS is a recent medical discovery, however there is extremely low prevalence in NZ. EduIsolated island nation, some Mauri communities are inaccessible EcoNo evidence of amount spent on HIV/AIDS prevention PBi-annual government reports about the progress of the HIV/AIDS action plan Otago University Department of Preventative and Social Medicine responsible for the surveillance of HIV in New Zealand THigh standards of medical technology and contraception (“condom culture”) helping to hinder the spread of HIV/AIDS in New Zealand

10 NGO Response - NZAF The New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) are the largest HIV/AIDS organisation in New Zealand Administer tests, create awareness and provide funding for research Collaborates with other organisations to help combat stigma Total income for 2014 was just shy of NZD$4.5 million $1 million towards expenses relating to HIV/AIDS prevention

11 Papua New Guinea (PNG)

12 HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea An estimated 32,000 people in PNG are living with HIV (0.7%) Number of users of ARV’s has increased five-fold since 2007 Highest rate of HIV/AIDS in Oceania

13 Causes and Factors of Distribution of HIV/AIDS in PNG Factors SUnprotected sex is the largest social factor in PNG, however other factors include: Violence against women, high incidence of sexual aggression, alcohol and drug use influencing sexual behaviour and sex work HBreakdown of sexual values due to conflicts EnvMountainous terrain make accessing tribes extremely difficult, only accessible by airplane EcoNo evidence of funding from within PNG, mostly Australian Govt and NGOs assist as well as UNAIDS to a certain extent PAustralian government providing $200m to Global Fund with a request to focus that money on PNG TDeveloping nation, not many facilities for combatting HIV/AIDS

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